Daily challenges: Friday 22nd May
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It's the last day of term 5....
Good morning everyone,
We've made it to the end of Term 5, not quite how we would normally end a term but please know we are thinking of you all lots and wish we could be together to celebrate the end of another term. I hope the class video has been a nice way to remember and think about your class friends. I know this might cause a mixture of emotions, that is ok. We all have mixed feelings during this very strange time, speak to your family and those around you to let them know how you might be feeling (remember we have our worry button on the website too!). Sometimes speaking about how we feel can be tough (adults find it hard sometimes too) so you could try and find another way to express how you're feeling drawing, painting or being creative can be a good way to show people how you are feeling.
We hope you have been enjoying the beautiful weather and we hope you have a good half term break. Remember there is a folder on the main blog page with lots of activities and resources in from colouring sheets to craft activities so if you get stuck during half term there may be something in there for you to do :)
Here are your daily challenges:
Miss Spurrier’s group- or- shut the door
Words for spelling: door, floor, born
Sentence: The baby was born.
Miss Taft’s group- ch- chooo
Spelling: chop, chip, chin
Sentence: It is nn my chin.
Mrs Barnes’ group-e-e go pete and steve (split up special friends for talking and the loop over the top).
Words for spelling: Pete, Steve
Sentence: I can see Pete and Steve running.
Miss Merry’s group- oa- goat in a boat
Words for spelling: boat, float, goat.
Sentence: I need my coat to go on the boat.
Please practice the handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings with the sound in and record the sentence with a capital letter and full stop. I have attached a photo of how you may want to lay the home learning out in your yellow book.
RWI LIVE lessons with Rosie on YouTube:
Set 1
speed sounds- 9:30am
word time (green words)- 9:45am
Spellings- 10am
Set 2
Speed sounds and word time- 10am
Spellings- 10:15am
Set 3
Speed sounds and word time- 10:30am
Spelling- 10:45am
Story time with Nick (Mon, Wed, Fri)- 2pm
Please see the 'learning at home file' for the handwriting patters, sounds and phrases, red words and alien words.
Miss Spurrier has recorded herself going through the RWI set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. She is trying to rival Rosie on YouTube. There is no password.
RWI challenge: Can you record a short video joining in with the sounds and post it on the padlet?
Enjoy and let us know what you think :)
https://vimeo.com/414752875 RWI Set 1 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414764363 RWI Set 2 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414761386 RWI Set 3 sounds
Do you get a bit stuck on those tricky red words? Well look no further, Miss Spurrier has recorded herself going through the typical red words we cover in reception. Check out the video and see how many red words you know!
https://vimeo.com/417611100 Level 1
https://vimeo.com/417629553 Level 2
Counting: Counting in 10’s forwards and back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7stosHbZZZg
Challenge: To use positional language.
Today we are going to be looking at prepositions. These are describing where something is. Use your favourite teddy or yourself if you want to. Can you put it on top, under, inside, behind, next to, on the side, in front and in between different objects. Take pictures of you or your teddy in these funny positions and post on the padlet.
Links: Where is the worm? PP
Positional language home learning challenges
Where is the teddy flash cards.
Friday Fun day
Theme: Fizzy
Main: We want you to get your hands moving today. There will be lots of different challenges that you could complete.
Challenge 1- Disco dough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSBO8N4ctJg&list=PLtw-7Jf06an2kfRMTdYqf21GkM0YT2HaP
2. Cutting skills- Mr Potato head see attached.
3. Bubble wrap- How many bubbles can you pop?
4. Can you make a paper clip chain?
5. Tweezer challenge- Can you use tweezers to pick up rice, pasta or pom poms.
6. Playdough challenge- Can you make your own playdough or slime?
7. Use finger paints to make a pictures.
8.Use pegs to hang out the washing.
9. put coins into a piggy bank.
Don't forget to use the class Padlet and post some funny things to your friends. Please remember to put your name in the comments and on your post as they all show up as ‘anonymous’. It is very secure as I have to approve all posts and comments that come through. PADLET PASSWORD: rapshome You can post as many times as you like! Remember to comment on other people’s amazing work too.
Please send any photos/videos and questions to: sophie.spurrier@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
Have a wonderful Friday and nice half term week!