Home Learning Thursday 26th March
Please see below for Thursday's home learning.
Good morning everyone, I hope that you enjoyed yesterday's learning. Looking at some of your pictures I think that some of your parent's and carers would make very good teachers. It's great for me to see you so happy and engaged in what you are doing.
Today's riddle: Imagine that you are in a room with no doors and no windows. How do you get out?
Maths: In the last few weeks we been learning about statistics, most recently line graphs. I have attached a sheet for you that has a line graph to interpret as well as a bar chart.
English: Some topic related English for today. I have attached a a powerpoint and a reading comprehension for you about Danegeld. This was the money that the Anglo Saxons began to pay to the Vikings in order to prevent them raiding their villages. It is in the form of a poem by Rudyard Kipling. Do you know any other famous books or poems by Rudyard Kipling? Here's a clue, one was made into a film by Disney!
Topic: Anglo Saxon runes. I have included a sheet of runes. This is how Anglo Saxons communicated using the written word. Can you use the runes to write a message to your classmates? If you share them with me I will post them on tomorrow's Superstar Learners blog and you can have a go at translating the messages from your friends.
Have fun! Mr G