Daily challenges: Tuesday 5th May
Good morning...
I hope you had a marvellous Monday. Are you ready for a terrific Tuesday?
Here are your challenges for today:
Miss Spurrier’s group- ch
Words for spelling: chin, chips, charm.
Sentence: We have chips.
Miss Taft’s group- v- vulture
Words for blending: van, vet
Spelling: Van, Vet
Sentence: It is a vet.
Mrs Barnes’ group- are- care are share
Words for spelling: care, share, bare.
Sentence: It is good to care and share.
Miss Merry’s group- oi
Words for spelling: spoil, oil, foil.
Sentence: I put the seed in the soil.
Please record in yellow book. -Two lines of handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings with the sound in and record the sentence with a capital letter and full stop. I have attached a photo of how you may want to lay the home learning out in your yellow book.
RWI LIVE lessons with Rosie on YouTube:
Set 1
speed sounds- 9:30am
word time (green words)- 9:45am
Spellings- 10am
Set 2
Speed sounds and word time- 10am
Spellings- 10:15am
Set 3
Speed sounds and word time- 10:30am
Spelling- 10:45am
Story time with Nick (Mon, Wed, Fri)- 2pm
Please see the 'learning at home file' for the handwriting patters, sounds and phrases, red words and alien words.
Miss Spurrier has recorded herself going through the RWI set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. There is no password. Enjoy and let us know what you think :)
https://vimeo.com/414752875 RWI Set 1 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414764363 RWI Set 2 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414761386 RWI Set 3 sounds
Counting/Starter: Counting in 2’s.
Today we are going to learn about odd and even numbers.
We will begin to understand that quantities which can be shared into 2 equal groups with no items left over are even. Those which have one left over when they are shared into 2 equal groups are odd. Explore odd and even by grouping quantities into pairs. Even quantities can be grouped into pairs and odd quantities will have one left on their own.
Challenge: Provide pots of items containing quantities from 1 to 10. Ask the children to count the items in each pot and decide if there is an odd or an even quantity. How could they check?
Extension: If you go for a walk (your one form of exercise) have a look at the house numbers. What do they notice? Can you make your own model houses/drawing of houses and line them up in order on the odd and event sides of the street.
Art/ Music
Spring Art- What would you se spring? Can you create a piece of art that reflects spring time.
What techniques could you use? Printing? Finger paints? Water colours? Rolling? Collage? Colour mixing? Texture exploration?
Below are some examples of what you might like to create.
Miss Dannell's music challenge:
Hi everyone!
Here is this week's music home learning. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zb9djhv
First watch the video to learn about body percussion.
Why don't you try making some of the noises they make in the video?
flap your arms like a penguin
stomp your feat like a dinosaur
click your tongue to sound like a unicorn
rub your hands together
pat your cheeks
Watch the video to see how to play the Forbidden Rhythm game. The game involves you clapping a rhythm and the child repeating it back to you.
Then open 'Play It' . Choose a song from the Feel The Beat section. Clap or make a noise in time to the beat of the song.
Have fun!
Miss Dannell
Don’t forget to use the class Padlet and post some funny things to your friends. Please remember to put your name in the comments and on your post as they all show up as ‘anonymous’. It is very secure as I have to approve all posts and comments that come through. PADLET NOW HAS A PASSWORD: rapshome You can post as many times as you like! Remember to comment on other people’s amazing work too.
Please send any photos/videos and questions to: j.barnes@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
Have a nice day Team Barnes :)