Weekly challenges 8th-12th June

Term 6 week 2....
Good morning Team Barnes, a new week begins :)
We hope you had a good first week back into 'home learning', we understand this looks different for everyone and that is ok. Try and keep in touch and let us know what you've been up to, even if it's just a photo on the Padlet. We miss you lots and hope you are all doing well 😊
Reminder of the home learning folder:
We have created lots of resources in the EYFS home learning folder located at the top of the blog (password:Viking). We have created a Term 6 folder for RWI, Maths and Topic. We have put lots of printable resources, power points and lots of other learning ideas that support the tasks below. For example, topic this week may say please see the under the sea powerpoint. This means that we do not need to add the individual links to the bottom of this post as it would be too much but we have added tonnes of things to support your learning. If you have trouble accessing this then please message us.
Please see below for our NEW weekly challenges:
Maths Weekly challenges:
Counting songs:
1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ir_l7qTiZ4
One more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du6JHupzwVo
When you add with a pirate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT_wvvEvkw4
One, two, buckle my shoes https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-one-two-buckle-my-shoe/zkvtqp3
One tomato, two tomatoes https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-one-tomato-two-tomatoes/zf2kbdm
1. Can you make draw/make your own number line (to 10 or 20)? Can you find one more than a number?
2. Collect some loose parts (lego blocks, raisins, stones...) can you split them into 2 parts. Write down how many you have in each part and add them together.
3. Number bonds to 10 - Play bunny ears – Using 2 hands to be the ear. How many ways can you show 5 or 10. Can you build a tower using 2 different colour building blocks (cubes, lego, duplo) Can you build a tower of 5? 10? Compare the towers. How many of each colour do you have?
4. Doubling - Mirrors are a fun way for children to double quantities. Use loose parts and place them in front of a mirror can see if you can work out what the double of that number is. Double song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U2QLjqripY
(Numberblocks double trouble) https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08q4jkq/numberblocks-series-2-double-trouble
5. Addition game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/addition/robot-addition
Adding game: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/addition/addition-to-10
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/3-5-years/ordering-and-sequencing ordering game
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/addition/robot-addition addition game
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train Addition Train
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/number-facts/number-fact-families addition families
https://www.arcademics.com/games/alien alien addition
Weekly Topic challenges
Theme: The Ocean
Main: Plastic pollution in the ocean. How can we keep our oceans safe? Just like us needing to stay safe, the sea creatures live in the sea
Weekly Challenges:
1. Go on a beach walk and collect all of the rubbish you can find. Take a picture and post it to the Padlet.
2. Can you make something out of your plastic recycling at home? You might want to cut it, paint it, make a model or much more.
3. What can you see in the ocean writing frame located in the EYFS folder. Can you write what you see in the pictures.
4. Under the sea science resource pack challenges- See the EYFS folder
Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKFV9IquMXA Plastic pollution video- WARNING Some graphic content (dead bird with plastic in stomach at 2:20mins). You may want to stop the video or watch it first, before you show your child, Or you may feel like you want them to see It.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9PeYPHdpNo David Attenborough- Our Planet- Costal seas.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPYxbMvgR30 David Attenborough- Desert Seas
Love to learn challenge Week 1 (2 week challenge): Under the sea challenge. Can you make a 3D model of an under the sea creature of your choice? You may want to make it out of clay, junk modelling, craft materials etc. Look closely at it’s features. Can you use different materials for each part? This is a challenge for over two weeks so take your time and complete it stage by stage.
RWI weekly challenges:
Daily RWI lessons available at 9:30am daily for 24 hours on the RWI YouTube channel with Rosie. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ
Monday 8th June Miss Taft: Set 1 - i Miss Spurrier: Set 2 – oo – look at a book Miss Merry: Set 3 – u - e Reading longer words – oo/ u -e/ ew
Tuesday 9th June Miss Taft: Set 1 – n Miss Spurrier: Set 2 - ar Miss Merry: Set 3 – aw Mrs Barnes: Reading longer words – or/ aw
Wednesday 10th June Miss Taft: Set 1 - p Miss Spurrier: Set 2 - or Miss Merry: Set 3 - are 3 Mrs Barnes: Reading longer words –air/ are
Thursday 11th June Miss Taft: Set 1 - g Miss Spurrier: Set 2 - air Miss Merry: Set 3 – ur Mrs Barnes: Reading longer words – ir/ ur/ er
Friday 12th June Miss Taft: Set 1 – o Miss Spurrier: Set 2 – ir Miss Merry: Set 3 – er Mrs Barnes: Reading longer words – ou/ ow
There are also green word and red word videos daily too.
From the 15th June there will be daily hold a sentence videos too.
Please practice the handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings of your choice with the sound in and record a sentence of your choice (keep it simple 4-5 words with a red word and the sound of the day included e.g. If my sound was ay, my sentence may be: Please can I play with you?). We have included some handwriting sheets below which match the sounds being taught each day. Some of them also have some green words to read too. If you need any extra support with sentences or green words then please email us.
Miss Spurrier has recorded herself going through the RWI set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. She is trying to rival Rosie on YouTube. There is no password.  
RWI challenge: Can you record a short video joining in with the sounds and post it on the padlet?
Enjoy and let us know what you think :)  
https://vimeo.com/414752875 RWI Set 1 sounds
https://vimeo.com/414764363 RWI Set 2 sounds 
https://vimeo.com/414761386 RWI Set 3 sounds 
Do you get a bit stuck on those tricky red words? Well look no further, Miss Spurrier has recorded herself going through the typical red words we cover in reception. Check out the video and see how many red words you know! 
https://vimeo.com/417611100 Level 1
https://vimeo.com/417629553  Level 2 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 Red word song
We have created a RWI folder in the EYFS area (password Viking) on the blog which has alien words, green words, all of the sounds, handwriting sheets, guidance, reading power points and so much more.
Fizzy Weekly challenges:
Disco Dough challenge: Days of the week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovgPLvue164
Play a game of noughts and crosses with a grown up.
Can you fill the paper with your fingerprints. Can you set a time challenge?
How many buttons can you fasten on your clothes?
Tweezers- Can you pick up pasta or peas and move to another container using tweezers. Can you cound how many you have done?
Please see EYFS folder at the top of the blog for more printable cutting sheets and fizzy ideas.
P.E: weekly Challenge:
Team RAPS,
Thank you so much for all of the pictures and videos that you have sent to me this week. It has definitely been great to see all of your attempts at the challenges.
This week, can you challenge an adult to beat your score!?
The Challenges are:
Can you complete 30 star jumps in 1 minute?
Run 1K
Can you complete 50 star jumps in 1 minute?
Run 1K or 5K
Good luck and I look forward to seeing more pictures and videos!
Mrs Horrigan
Reading Reminder:
It is so important to be reading every day. There are hundreds of e-books available on the bug club website. This has been personalised for each child to suit their reading ability. Please contact us if you feel your child’s level needs to be moved up/changed.
Bug club log in: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0
Username: first 3 letters and last three letters of name e.g. sopspu
Password: Password
School code: tr9s
Oxford owl also have hundreds of e-books for parents to access: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
If you have reached 100 reads, please email us or post on the Padlet as you will receive a gift card and certificate from Mr Budge.
Art blog:
Miss Vost has set some amazing art challenges on the blog. Can you challenge yourself to have a go at them? https://www.ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk/blog/?pid=9&nid=23 There are some amazing bits on there and she also has a Padlet to post to as well.
We hope you have a lovely week of home learning and please remember to do what you can! If you need anything then please email me j.barnes@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk. Remember to send us your work over email or on the class Padlet. We love seeing what you are up to (even if it is not school related).
Mrs Barnes, Miss Taft and Mrs Pilcher 😊