Behaviour points meeting Friday 28th Feb 2:30pm in the hall
Before half term we sent home a letter informing you a meeting to let you know about the new behaviour policy. The children have outgrown the current behaviour strategies of being on the rocket and yellow and red faces as consequences, so we will be converting to the wider school behaviour points system. You will have noticed that we have also phased out the smiley cards. We would like to invite you to a presentation and Q&A about the points based behaviour policy on Friday 28th February at 2:30 in the school hall. We will explain how it works and how it will support your child’s learning behaviours in school. It also has very real and motivational rewards that we believe the children will engage with. We hope that you can attend but if you can’t further information will follow. Once we have had this meeting the children will be informed and introduced to the behaviour points.
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