Final week

As we are about to enter year 6's final week, here are a few reminders of what is in store...
Monday 12th July - Trip to Flip Out in Ashford. Children can come into school in their own clothes - please ensure they are suitable for the activity on offer. Packed lunches will be needed - or can be provided by the school. We will be travelling there by coach so if there are any children who need travel sickness medication, please advise the school office.
Tuesday 13th July - Trip to Go Ape (at Leeds Castle near Maidstone). Children can come into school in their own clothes - please ensure they are suitable for the activity on offer. Trainers must be worn (no slip on shoes). Packed lunches will be needed - or can be provided by the school. We will be travelling there by coach so if there are any children who need travel sickness medication, please advise the school office.
Wednesday 14th July - Trip to Ramsgate beach. Children can come into school in their own clothes - please ensure they are suitable for the activity on offer. Packed lunches will be needed - or can be provided by the school. We will be playing a range games (beach cricket, beach football etc.) and having some competitions (sandcastle building, art designs etc.) so the children may wish to bring a bucket and spade (nothing too big as the children will have to carry them). Upon returning to the school, we will have an hour of inflatable fun as part of the school's reward day.
Thursday 15th July - Shirt signing and leavers' ceremony. The Turner have unfortunately cancelled hosting the event due to the current Covid restrictions, so the event will be held at school. Further details will follow shortly, but it will be between 17:30 and 18:30.
Friday 16th July - Sports day. Year 6 will be supporting the KS1 event in the morning and then taking part in their own events in the afternoon. Please ensure they come into school in sports clothing - ideally in something of their house colour (though please do not feel the need to buy something especially for it).
If you do have any questions about the final week, do not hesitate to contact the office, myself or Mr Williams. Thanks for your support all year long, and we hope to make the children's final five days at school the best they can be!