Shirt signing and Leavers' ceremony

Just to clarify the information given to the children today for the final two days...
On Thursday 15th July the children are to come into school wearing school uniform. We will be practising the Leavers' ceremony in the morning and the children will have an opportunity to get their shirts signed. We recommended to the children they may want to bring a spare shirt in case it gets filled up. If the children have autograph books, they are of course welcome to bring them in too.
If the weather is good, we have said we would do a water fight in the afternoon. Please send in a change of clothes, a towel and any water pistols (not too big or powerful please).
In the evening we will have the actual Leavers' event in the school hall starting at 5:30. Doors will open at 5:20 and there will be a photo show as people are taking their seats. There is a limit of 2 seats per child due to distancing and bubbles. The children are advised to dress smartly. We look forward to seeing you for this send off.