Spellings 3.11.20
Please find this week's spellings attached.
Welcome to Team Dannell!
Please find this week's spellings attached.
Today, we made breakfast bars in Team Dannell! Click to read more..
Would you like to try one of our Fair Trade breakfast bars? Read to find out more!
This week's spellings are attached.
On Friday, we played a game to highlight the importance of Fair Trade. Ask us what we had to do.
This week's spellings are attached.
We have been working so hard on our Fairtrade beautiful pieces of work. Click to find out more...
Come to school with horror hair on Fri 23rd Oct! Please donate £1.
Please ensure your child is coming to school in the correct PE; not non-school uniform. Please read to check what children should wear.
We've been working on creating survival guides! Read to find out more.
This week's spellings are attached. Remember: Children should be reading 3x per week and recording this in their reading records.
Click to read how the children have been developing their sketch books.