What a day!

Badge Day, Hinduism and Golden Time
Friday is always a favourite in Team Amin because it is a Golden Time day, we read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and it is the 'weekend'. Today, it was also Badge Day and lots of us earned our lanyards for keeping all of our behaviour points so far this term! Some of us earned a badge for keeping our points in the last 2 weeks of Term 1 and this week too! Well done, Team Amin! Please do remind your child that the next three weeks is another cycle and another chance to get a badge or work towards a lanyard! Well done as well to our incredible times tables learners - half the class earned another badge this morning! WOW! We also enjoyed some time thinking about what Hindus do to celebrate Diwali, which is coming up next week! Team Amin learnt why Hindu families clean their homes before the festival, about the significance of coins and rice and the colour 'red', and even remembered some amazing facts from earlier this week! What a great end to Week 1 of Term 2 and thank you for the toilet roll tubes!