Home Learning

Monday 9th November 2020
Hi Year 2,
So this is a bit strange isn't it ... it may not be the Monday morning we expected and you will all have different feelings about this but we will get though the next few weeks together!
Tomorrow (Tuesday 10th November), we will be having 3 different types of lessons. One lesson will be via a blog post, like this. One will be a video lesson that either myself or Miss Okai have already recorded and one will be a live lesson though Microsoft Teams.
For today, whilst we get our heads around Teams, learning will be a blog post. Please have a go at the activities below. If you need any help please send myself or Miss Okai an email:
Maths: Last week we were learning how to add 2 two digit numbers using column addition. Today, we would like you to rehearse that skill. Some questions will need exchanging, some won't. If you are struggling this website should help you:
a) 45 + 32 =
b) 31 + 17 =
c) 56 + 23 =
d) 14 + 61 =
Exchanging Questions:
e) 48 + 29 =
f) 69 + 17 =
g) 16 + 48 =
h) 53 + 81 =
i) 183 + 49 =
English: This term we have been studying the Secret of Black Rock by Joe Todd-Stanton. Today, I would like you to please create a mind map of adjectives to describe Black Rock. Remember, an adjective is a describing word. Once you have 20, use a thesaurus to find synonyms for your adjectives to make them more powerful e.g. scary could become menacing, threatening etc. You will need this list to help you in your writing tomorrow. There is a picture of Black Rock below to help you.
RWI: In the lead up to our phonics screen we have been learning our alien words. Below is a set of alien words, your challenge today is to hide them around your house and go on an alien word hunt. When you find them read them out loud and collect them. Can you find them all?
Topic: Last week we begun our new topic Our Human and Natural World. On Friday we learnt about human and physical features. Today I would like you to please make 2 posters. One about human features and one about phsyical features. There is a Powerpoint of ideas below to help you.
ICT: Tomorrow we will be teaching our RWI and English lessons via Microsoft Teams. Today I would like you to explore how to log on and explore how it all works.
While your child is self-isolating work will be set by the class teacher through Microsoft 365 as we now use ‘Teams’ as our online platform for Home Learning. For Monday, work will be written Instruction (work sheets) and a range of activities can be found on your class Blogs page- click here to access Monday’s home learning- the password will be sent via MCAS. From Tuesday there will be a blended approach to learning, which includes a mixture of written instruction, pre-recorded lessons or ‘Live’ lessons across English, Maths and Topic. There will also be an opportunity to meet up through Teams with the Teaching Team if your child needs some additional support. More details will be sent out tomorrow via MCAS. It might be an idea to start to become familiar with Teams, support guides can be found on our website, please click here for more information. If your household does not have access to a SMART device, Tablet or computer then please let the office know as we don’t want technology to become a barrier for learning.
Good Luck! Love The Year 2 Team x