Monday 30th March 2020
Good Morning Team Smart!
To download a PDF version of the above curriculum overview, please click here.
Good Morning Team Smart!
Welcome to our virtual celebration assembly of all the learning that has been going on across RAPS!
Here are some more ideas for things to do...!
Good morning Team Smart! Welcome to day 5!
Wow! You have done some fantastic learning - keep going!
Wow! What new skills and adventures you are having!
Great job Team Smart - here is your home learning for today!
Keep up the good work Team Smart!
Good morning Team Smart!
Welcome to day 2 of your home learning challenges! So today's tasks…
This is just a quick explanation of the different methods of diving by sharing and dividing by grouping (questions arose from yesterdays task).
Good morning Team Smart!
I hope you are all well! Every day you are off school I will you send a blog post to let you know your home learning for the day!
Have fun - stay healthy - enjoy the sunshine!
Body workouts - Joe Wicks, the Body Coach, has lots of incredible free workouts designed for children to boost your learning power!
You can use the daily timetable to help you structure your day! Here are your tasks for today...
Best wishes, Mrs Smart :)