Monday 20th April 2020
Good morning Team Smart!
Welcome to Monday! Join in with the Singing Walrus to start your day
Brain workout – quick fire doubles:
Double 3, 6, 10, 5, 9. 4, 11
Open up Summer Term Week 1 and go to Lesson 3 making equal groups using the sharing method.
Play the video and complete Flashback 4 (week 3 day 3) first and then you can have a go at the activity – see below attached.
Want more maths?
If you’re hungry for more maths try Year 1 Spring 1 Activity Mat 1 – to polish up your skills! See attachment below. Choose the mat with 2 or 3 * at the bottom. There are also answer sheets. If cannot print just relay the answers on to paper! :-)
Mrs Smart’s group
This term we will be learning all about animals for our topic.
To help us with this, we are going to learn some new skills in English.
As our topic learning is going to involve learning lots of facts, we need the skills to understand and create non-fiction texts.
(Remember non-fiction means a text is based on factual information)
Thinking time: I’d like you to first think about the types of animals we keep as pets. Can we keep any animal as a pet?
Tell your grownups: - Why are some animals unsuitable to keep as a pet?
Now look at the Pet shop poster (below). What is the purpose of a poster? What do you see on the poster? What do you think this poster is trying to do? (persuade you to get a pet!)
Now think about your pet, if you have one (or a friend or relative’s pet). What do they look like – facial features, colours, markings, body shape and size, legs, tail, ears and body covering (e.g. fur, feathers, scales). Then in your book draw a picture of your chosen pet and write some descriptive sentences about them. Aim to use lots of powerful adjectives and adverbs!
For an example you can read about Mrs Smart’s dog Hetty. Open the file Hetty doc below!
Read Write Inc
Read Write Inc and Ruth Miskin Training are providing daily videos. Follow them on YouTube or look below.
PLEASE NOTE that these specific daily YouTube videos only last 24 hours. If you miss one, just look below to catch up. We will continue to post the daily sounds, spellings and sentences. Your child’s group may have two focus sounds for two different sets. Check the timings and please do both if possible. Then check below for the sentences to write.
Miss Aitken’s group (set 2 and 3) - 10am (set 2) 10.30am (set 3)
Focus Speed sounds are:
“ou” as in, ‘Shout it out!” (set 2) and “ow” as in ‘Brown cow’ (set 3)
Note: These two sounds, sound the same. “ou” is normally the middle sound of a word. “ow” usually comes at the end of a word.
Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:
Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):
- shout 2) loud 3) brow 4) now
Write these sentences using the focus sounds
- Do not shout, it is too loud.
- I will allow you to play now.
Mrs Fetherston’s group (set 3) - 10.30am
Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:
Focus Speed sound is:
“ow” as in ‘Brown cow’ (set 3)
Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):
1) brown 2) now 3) allowed
Write these sentences using the focus sounds
- How brown is that cow?
- I am not allowed to go to the shop just now.
Mrs Smith’s group (set 3) 10.30am
Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:
Focus Speed sound is:
“ow” as in ‘Brown cow’ (set 3)
Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):
1) brown 2) now 3) allowed
Write these sentences using the focus sounds;
- How brown is that cow?
- I am not allowed to go to the shop just now.
Miss Tranham’s group (set 2) – 10am
Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:
Focus Speed sound is:
“ou” as in ‘Shout it out!’
Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):
- shout 2) loud 3) out
Write these sentences using the focus sounds;
- Do not shout too loud.
- Can we go out?
Helpful links for parents and carers
ART to START!!! New Topic: Animals and us
See the separate blog for videos and instructions for your watercolour animal paintings.
Handwriting / SPaG
First let’s remember how to spell tricky red words with Jack Hartmann:
Now let’s practise writing these words:
Take care to form each letter carefully and remember the rhymes in your best handwriting! Do a line of each word:
are, was
a - all around the apple, r - down the robot’s back and curl over this arm, e - lift off the top and scoop out the egg
w – down up down up, a - all around the apple, s – slither down the snake