Tuesday's maths - 23/6/20
Today we will see how right angles fit into position and direction...
Today we will see how right angles fit into position and direction...
Please find this week's RWI tasks from Mrs Fox...
It's Monday, so thatcan mean only one thing... IT'S VIKING GAMES TIME!!!!
We will be starting a new book over the next few weeks, so today I want you to make some predictions, based just on the title and the front cover design...
Later this week we will be looking at compass directions and making turns. Before we can do this, we need to remind ourselves quickly about right angles...
Last week we had a series of lessons to reflect the 'Black Lives Matter' protest. It is really important that it isn't a focus for a week and then it fades back to be a side issue, so I will try to have one session a week to keep it in our conscious. Therefore we will have a short pause in our chocolate topic until next week...
Another SPaG task for today...
It's Friday! To end the week in maths, I would like you to practice your times tables...
This topic lesson will explore the process of making chocolate, from the harvesting of the plant to selling it in a shop...
A slightly different focus today, with a look at some SPaG...
I would like you to make sure you have a good understanding of finding change, so we shall spend a second day looking at this...
After yesterday's knowledge harvest where tyou have considered what you lready know about chocolate, we can start to look at where it comes from...