Tuesday's Maths - 5/5/20
I would like you to spend one more day today on times tables. Remember that by the end of year 3, children are expected to know their x2, x3, x4, x5, x8 and x10 off by heart. There are two choices of activity though...
Your first option is similar to yesterday. You can play games / complete activities online, verbally or in your learning book to practised your times tables recall and speed.
The second option is bit different. I would like you to try and create your own times table game. It could be a card game similar to snap or pairs. It could be a board game where you have to roll a dice to go around a board and collect tokens or race to the end. It could even be a version of TV gameshow. There are no limits other than it has to be based on times tables!! If you were to choose this second task, it could easily be spread out over a few days or even a week. Planning, designing and making the pieces or board could take some time!