Home Learning!
Friday 17th March 2020
What amazing work I received from you yesterday! I loved Ethan's instructions and Leo's Rite of Passage work. Well Done boys! Don't forget to keep sending me the work you do each day as well as uploading it to Padlet!
PE: Well Done to the children who completed Mrs Horrigan's challenge yesterday! I did a Joe Wicks workout with the children who were at school and it was most certainly the hardest one yet! Today I would like you to login to Jump Start Johnny again and start your day with some of his dance workouts!
Maths: RECAP from before half term! Subtraction!
a) 45 - 32 =
b) 87 - 25 =
c) 94 - 24 =
d) 627 - 16 =
e) 284 - 43 =
f) 73 - 28 =
g) 43 - 19 =
h) 563 - 29 =
i) 334 - 58 =
English: Another fairy tale you will find in our next book we are starting next week is Hansel and Gretel. Read the story on this link: https://www.dltk-teach.com/fairy-tales/hansel-and-gretel/story.htm
Then write a setting description of the gingerbread house made of sweets. Don't forget to include:
- Your BEST handwriting
- A sentence with commas for lists
- Capital letters and full stops
- Apostrophes for omission e.g. didn't, can't
- Apostrophes for possession e.g. Alice's coat
- A question
- An exclamation sentence
- and, but, so, because
During our spelling lessons we often use mnemonics to help us remember how to spell words e.g.
because: ( big. elephants. cause. accidents. under. small. elephants.)
Can you create a mnemonic for these words:
1. beautiful
2. great
3. climb
4. parent
5. everybody
Today we will be learning: To understand what happens at a Baptism ceremony.
Read through the Power Point slides below then write a sentence explaining what these items symbolise:
- Church
- Candle
- Chrism Oil
- Water
- White Clothing
Helping around the House: Can you help your grown ups today by helping take the rubbish out?
Make sure you are reading daily as this is so important. You have access to reading materials on Bug Club. Please email if you have forgotten the log in details.
Also try to log in to Times Tables Rock Stars as it's so much fun and Times Tables help us in every area of maths.
Remember, we are all in this together. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to home school your child in this strange and uncertain time. If it doesn’t work out today then please do not worry, there is always tomorrow.
Please send any photos/videos and questions to: alice.rees-boughton@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
There are still some members of the class that I have not heard from. Please could you all reach out to your class mates to check in with them and ensure they're well and staying safe.
I cannot wait to see what you get up to today.
Happy Home Learning!
Love Miss R-B, Mrs Fetherston, Mr Brown and Charlie Fudge xxx