Home Learning
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Hi Team R-B,
It's TUESDAY!!!!!!
PE: Today I would like you to have a go at Mrs Horrigan's challenges and email photos and videos of you doing them to her at: jenny.horrigan@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
English: Today you are going to publish your stories. I would like you to write up your story in your best handwriting then draw the pictures to go with them. My challenge for you today is to see if you can get your illustrations to look a little bit like Lauren Child's.
Maths: Today we are going to revise o'clock and half past.
When the big hand is on the 12 it is o'clock
When the big hand is on the 6 it is half past
When the big hand is on the 3 it is quarter past
When the big hand is on the 9 it is quarter to
Have a go at filling in the times on the sheet.
Spelling: Please complete the 'Word Changers' activity below. Don't forget to 'drop the e, before adding ing'.
Topic: Think back to yesterday, what can you remember about Nelson Mandela's achievements. Even in very difficult times, NM did not give up on what he wanted to get across and showed such resilience. Think about how did Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole show resilience?
Resilience is a character trait often seen in significant people from the past and present. Sally the Snail reminds us that we enjoy learning and keep trying when things are difficult which is to be resilience. Resilience can drive people towards their goals and dreams. For the next three sessions, we will learn about some very significant people whose resilience to achieve something made a huge impact on our lives. One such person was a man named Isambard Kingdom Brunel. IKB was an engineer who was born on the 9th April 1806 (please place his life on your timeline).
This clips explains his life and ambitions to create a railway for people to travel upon. https://www.bbc.com/teach/class-clips-video/true-stories-isambard-kingdom-brunel/zjrtvk7
Recorded task: Today you are going to create your own comic strip of the main achievements of IKB’s life, including basic sentences and speech within speech bubbles. You might like to use the comic strip template I have added below ...
Helping around the house: Can you help your adults today by folding some clothes?
Happy Tuesday!
Love Miss R-B, Mrs Fetherston, Mr Brown and Charlie Fudge xxx