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Wednesday 6th May 2020 ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Team R-B,
Hope you all had a lovely day yesterday! I had a great day reading all the Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book stories you all wrote for me.
PE: Today is a Cosmic Kids today. If you're really tired, like me, from doing Mrs Horrigan's work out yesterday. Type in Cosmic Kids in on YouTube and try one of their yoga stories.
Maths: Now you have revised telling the time to the nearest 15 minutes we are going to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Start by rehearsing your 5 times tables, you will need this knowledge in a moment. When the big hand reaches the 1 it means 5 minutes have passed. When it reaches the 2, 10 minutes have passed. This carries on until 6 where 30 minutes have passed.
On the other side of the clock is the 'to' side, this time we need to count backwards from 12 in 5's. So when the big hand reaches the 11 it is 5 minutes to, when it's on the 10 it's 10 to and so on.
Have a go at the worksheet below.
English: Mr Brown, Mrs Fetherston and I have filmed lots of stories for you to watch at bedtime. Today I would like you to film yourselves reading the stories you have written, then upload it to Padlet for all your friends to see!
Spelling: Have a go at the 'Choose the right word' game below then write up the sentences in your best handwriting.
Topic: Significant people change the way we think or live and their impact is often profound. As a society or world, we learn from the things they do or say in their lives. Today, we will explore two men who worked together for a long time to achieve something everyone thought was impossible – to create a flying machine! In 1903, the two brothers managed to achieve this goal, they created the first aeroplane. Have you ever seen or travelled on an aeroplane? Before 1903, there was no such thing as an aeroplane and people never travelled by air. It was their determination to research, design and create a flying machine that then started the progression towards creating the aeroplanes we see today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHIlZ8p8U8A
They showed great resilience by trying again and again each time adjusting their creations for success. Watch this news clip https://www.britishpathe.com/video/the-wright-brothers-first-flight
This would have been BIG news back in the early 1900s.
Recorded Task: Today yoou will create a newspaper report about the event. What is a newspaper report? Remember it will need a headline, short intro and main body of text. We could include a photograph too. Explain the columns to lay text out into. Use the newspaper template below to help you.
Helping at home: Can you help today by washing up or unloading the dishwasher?
Happy Wednesday!
Love Miss R-B, Mr Brown, Mrs Fetherston and Charlie Fudge xx