Worry button
What to do if you are feeling worried...
Feeling worried is normal, just like all feelings. The problem is, sometimes our worries become very big and we can’t stop thinking about them. One very good way to stop our worries taking over our thoughts is to talk to someone.
Sometimes, talking to a familiar adult is a good idea. If you would like to let a school adult know that you are worried or feel unsafe in any way, please go to the ‘Worried?’ section of the school website. On the page, you will see a ‘Worry Button’. If you click the button, a box will appear and you can type a message. Your message will be sent to an adult from RAPS. They will find a way to help you.
Sometimes, talking to someone else can help. On the ‘Worried?’ section of the website, you will find lots of links to other websites. You can click on these and you’ll find information, contact numbers and details of people who are able to help you.
Remember, it is normal to feel worried sometimes but if your worry is all you can think about, it is best to talk to a grown up.
If you feel unsafe, for any reason, please contact us using the worry button or use one of the provided links to find help.