Monday 20.4.20
Hello and welcome to another week of home learning :)
Maths- Rounding: Complete bronze, silver or gold on the attached sheet.
Success Criteria
1. Find the column you are rounding to and underline it e.g. if you are rounding to the nearest 100, underline the 100s column.
2. Look the column to the right and put a dot underneath it
3. If it's 5 or higher round up. If it's below 5 round down (remember rounding down means it stays the same)
English- Pig Heart Boy: Chapter One
Go through the PowerPoint, listen to the chapter and read along, then answer the questions in your book.
Topic- Curious Creatures: Go through the PowerPoint and learn about the different groups animals are classified in. Then use the worksheet to see if you can work out 'what makes a mammal a mammal' and 'what makes a bird a bird'. Don't forget the last slide about the platypus!