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Love To Learn Project 1

Find your first love to learn project attached to the blog!

Love to learn

Your love to learn homework is based on our topic of the Ancient Greeks. We have just learnt about Hoplite soldiers and their armour, weapons and shields. On their shields, they often had a picture or symbol that represented how they fought in battle or represented which city state or family they were from. For example, a picture of a bull meant they were strong or a picture of a snake represented speed and striking force.

Your task is to make your own Greek shield decorated with an image that you think would represent you as a soldier in battle or your family.

It should:

  • Be made of card and/or paper maiche
  • Be colourful! You could paint the background
  • Include a picture, perhaps of an animal, or symbol that represents something
  • Image result for greek shields
  • Love to Learn is due on the Friday before half term (19th Oct)