Daily Challenges: Tuesday 28th April

It's a terrific Tuesday Team Barnes!
IT’S TUESDAY Team Barnes,
I am loving all of your updates on the Padlet and emails. Remember if it doesn’t work out, stop and try again another time. Sometimes a cuddle and film is just as beneficial as the work J
You may also have seen that RAPS have put up angel wings outside the school for all the key workers which was created by some of the children in school on Monday. If you go past on your daily walk, feel free to take a photo in between it and send it to us!
Counting: Can you count how many hops you can do in 10 seconds?
Challenge: Can you collect an even amount of objects (lego blocks, pens, books...) Now can you share the objects between two people (toy figures, people in your household). Collect the objects back in and this time can you share the objects EQUALLY. What does it mean if something is shared equally? Both people/parts have the same amount. Make sure we use the technique one for me one for you and repeat until you have ran out of objects.
Extension: Can you share between four groups or even 3 groups? (make sure you pick a number that can be shared equally e.g. 12 shared between 3 groups is 4. Make sure we use the technique one for me one for you, one for you (around to each group) and repeat until you have ran out of objects.
Links: See challenge sheet for extra home sharing ideas.
See feeding the minibeast sharing attachment.
See sharing powerpoint attachment.
RWI : Here is today's sound for each group.
Miss Spurrier’s group 00- poo at the zoo.
Words for spelling: poo, zoo, boo
Sentence: Poo at the zoo.
Miss Taft’s group- k- kangeroo
Words for blending: kit, kick, king.
Spelling: kit, kip
Mrs Barnes’ group- kn- knock knock
Words for spelling: knock, knit, knight.
Sentence: I knocked at the door for the knight.
Miss Merry’s group- kn- knock knock
Words for spelling: knock, knit, knight.
Sentence: I can knock.
Please record in yellow book. -Two lines of handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings with the sound in and record the sentence with a capital letter and full stop. I have attached a photo of how you may want to lay the home learning out in your yellow book.
RWI LIVE lessons:
Set 1
speed sounds- 9:30am
word time (green words)- 9:45am
Spellings- 10am
Set 2
Speed sounds and word time- 10am
Spellings- 10:15am
Set 3
Speed sounds and word time- 10:30am
Spelling- 10:45am
Story time with Nick (Mon, Wed, Fri)- 2pm
Please see the 'learning at home file' for the handwriting patters, sounds and phrases, red words and alien words.
Theme: Art
Eric Carle. What can you find out about Eric Carle and his style of art?
Main: Eric Carle is a famous illustrator and writer known for his books such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the tiny seed. He uses collage to create his illustrations. What does illustrator mean?
Collage art is created by cutting different pieces of paper into different shapes and creating a picture out of it.
Challenge: Can you create a collage butterfly. Remember that butterflies are symmetrical which means they are the same on both sides. A technique that Eric uses is painting a sheet of paper with a pattern on. then when it is dry cutting shapes out of it to form a butterfly.
Miss Dannell has set us all a music challenge for the week below:
Click the link below and choose a song from the Play It game and sing along.
Explore the different elements that make up a song, play or clap along with the music and make then listen back to your own version of songs.
Play It! contains songs such as I am a Robot, Hands in the Air, Take You Home, Be in the Band, Bring the Noise and Spooky World.
Follow the in game instructions to explore the different modes. Have fun!
I cannot wait to see how you get on. Don't forget to post it on your class Padlet! Miss Dannell
Don’t forget to use the class Padlet and post some funny things to your friends. Please remember to put your name in the comments and on your post as they all show up as ‘anonymous’. It is very secure as I have to approve all posts and comments that come through. PADLET NOW HAS A PASSWORD: rapshome You can post as many times as you like! Remember to comment on other people’s amazing work too.
Please send any photos/videos and questions to: j.barnes@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
Have a terrific Tuesday Team Barnes and enjoy your home learning.