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Team McCormack (Yr 1)

To download this Term's Curriculum please click here

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  • A little visit

    Published 12/05/22, by Alice Piper
    Last week we had a visit from some baby ducklings, they were so adorable. We loved watching them run around, they move so fast! 
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  • Wingham

    Published 11/05/22, by Alice Piper
    Our topic this term is all about animals, it's been so much fun learning about different animal groups and about what animals like to eat. We had such an amazing day out at Wingham Wildlife Park seeing lots of different animals. Of course, we als
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  • Love to Learn Term 5

    Published 05/05/22, by Alice Piper

    Due Monday 16th May

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  • Reading for Pleasure

    Published 03/05/22, by Alice Piper

    Tuesdays at 2:40pm 

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  • Reading with year 3

    Published 29/04/22, by Alice Piper
    Once a week we are lucky enough to have Team O'Flaherty come and read with us. Reading together can help us broaden our imagination and gain a love of reading. :)
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  • Wingham Wildlife Park

    Published 28/04/22, by Alice Piper

    Team McCormack visiting on Wednesday 11th May.

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  • Counting in 2s , 5s and 10s!

    Published 28/04/22, by Alice Piper
    This week in Maths we have been working on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Maybe you could practise this at home! You could count in 2s, 5s or 10s in the car, on a walk, while making dinner or while brushing your hair.  Here are some links that c
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  • Personal Development Week

    Published 22/04/22, by Alice Piper
    Each term we spend a week focusing on Personal Development. This term in RE we have been learning about Hinduism and the different festivals they celebrate such as Diwali and Raksha Bandhan. In PSHE we have looked at Living in the Wide
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  • Art to Start

    Published 21/04/22, by Alice Piper
    Thank you to the parents and carers who were able to join us for our term 5 Art to Start. It was lovely to have you in. There was a great buzz around the classroom while everyone was busy making their collage animals. 
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  • Welcome back!

    Published 19/04/22, by Alice Piper
    We hope you've all had a lovely Easter break with your families. We've got an exciting term ahead with our new topic Animals and Us! Our PE days are still Monday and Thursdays, please ensure you wear the correct school PE kit to
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  • Wizard Stories!

    Published 01/04/22, by Alice Piper

    Arts week!

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  • Stop-motion animation!

    Published 01/04/22, by Alice Piper

    Arts week!

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