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Team McCormack (Yr 1)

To download this Term's Curriculum please click here

Page 1

  • Art to Start

    Published 12/09/22, by Alice Piper

    Art to Start

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  • Reward day!

    Published 13/07/22, by Alice Piper

    So much fun!

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  • The BEST Day!!

    Published 27/06/22, by Alice Piper

    Our day on Viking Bay...

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  • Love to learn....

    Published 26/06/22, by Jessica Barnes
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  • Trip to the beach!

    Published 18/06/22, by Alice Piper

    Team McCormack are going to the beach on Monday 27th June. See letter attached. 

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  • Art to Start

    Published 16/06/22, by Alice Piper

    Thank you to everyone who came to our Art to Start session. The children created some beautiful natural art pieces which are pictured below. 

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  • Art to start....

    Published 09/06/22, by Jessica Barnes

    We hope you can join us....

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  • Welcome back Team McCormack!

    Published 05/06/22, by Jessica Barnes
    Welcome back Team McCormack, I can't believe we're about to start out last term of the year! We've had such a busy and fun year together. I hope you had a lovely half-term break with your families. We have a very exciting final term ahead
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  • The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022!

    Published 26/05/22, by Alice Piper

    What a busy day!

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  • Love to Learn

    Published 26/05/22, by Alice Piper

    See below for the Love to Learn due Tuesday 7th June 2022. 

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  • Alien words practise

    Published 26/05/22, by Alice Piper

    Any special friends? Fred talk!

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  • Bug hunt!

    Published 18/05/22, by Alice Piper

    What did you find? 

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