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Love to Learn

This Love to Learn is all about The Speaker competition. 

Love to Learn

Towards the end of Term 5, we will be holding the Viking Trust Speaker competition. This will be an inter-school competition potentially being held at Royal Harbour Academy.

The theme is: Is it a wonderful world?

Your Love to Learn is to write a speech based on this theme and practise performing it. If you don’t want to perform it in front of anyone, that is fine- just write the speech!

We will hear the people who want to read their speeches in class on 25th March and then choose a winner! We will have an assembly in week 2 of term 5 (with judges!) to decide 3 school winners.

About the speech:

  • Based on the theme: Is it a wonderful world?
  • No longer than 2 minutes
  • Informative, fun, unique!

About your performance (if you want to read it out)

  • Show confidence
  • Speak clearly
  • Not just reading (make eye contact with audience/look up sometimes)
  • Use your hands to express
  • Good expression (be engaging!)

What should I write about?

Well that is up to you! You could think about things happening in the news, good and bad things about the world, why we should protect the Earth etc. You could write a short story, a poem, a balanced argument or just a simple speech!