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In art last week we were finding one more and one less up to 10. Ask your child what one more than 8 is, or to count on from 5. We have been challenging the children to do this with greater numbers too, so as a challenge ask them to do this in the teens or twenties too!

This week we have looked at number bonds to 5 and number bonds to 10. At parents evening you would have received a print-out for both and practice doing this with your children at home. Challenge them to show you a number bond to 5 or 10 on their hands! They should know a few! We have also looked at 2D and 3D shapes in our starters and will look at this properly tomorrow! Challenge your child to find 3D objects in the environment, especially at home. Ask them if they consumed a cone tomorrow afternoon? 

The children are also amazing at patterns. Ask them to show you ABB, AABB or even AAABBB patterns using their bodies as instruments. Your child would defiantly love to show you their ability to do this o We Will Rock You!