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Blue Room (R)


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  • Show and Tell, 14th July, Elba (yellow)

    Published 06/07/23, by Admin

    This Friday 30th June will be Elba(yellow). Please bring in things to talk about at length, a photo, a souvenir from a trip or holiday or something made. No toys and cuddly toys, thank you!

    Week 6 (Friday 14th July) - Elba (yellow)

    Week 7 (Monday 21st July ) - Bussell (red)

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  • Sports Day Reminder

    Published 22/06/23, by Louise Tranham

    Information about sports day

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  • The Odd One Out.

    Published 22/06/23, by Louise Tranham

    Finding the odd one out.

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  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

    Published 22/06/23, by Louise Tranham

    Which recycling bin does our rubbish go in?

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  • Show and Tell - Friday 23rd June

    Published 17/06/23, by Admin

    If your child is in Red group they are welcome to bring in an item to show and tell on Friday 23rd June. Please encourage them to choose something they can talk about at length to develop their oracy skills such as a souvenir, a photo, a special gift or something they have made. Please discourage cuddly toys! 

    Next week: Emin (Blue)

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  • People In Our Communities

    Published 15/06/23, by Louise Tranham

    Have a look at our amazing writing this week!

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  • Place Value

    Published 15/06/23, by Louise Tranham

    Look at our amazing place value!

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  • Thank you!

    Published 15/06/23, by Louise Tranham

    Our lovely wheels have been revamped for our outside area!

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  • Amazing beach art!

    Published 07/06/23, by Admin

    Wow! What incredible beach-themed masterpieces you created for our term 5 Love to Learn challenge! We were so impressed with the quality and standard of all the artwork and a big thank you to the grown ups at home who helped! 

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  • Show and Tell - Friday 9th June

    Published 06/06/23, by Admin

    Show and Tell returns this term and each house team will take it in turns. This Friday 9th June will be Malone (GREEN). Please bring in things to talk about at length, a photo, a souvenir from a trip or holiday, something made. Cuddly toys are not encouraged thank you!

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  • Viking Games

    Published 25/05/23, by Louise Tranham

    This morning we have engaged in multiple sports activities during our Viking Games!

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  • Rabbits!

    Published 25/05/23, by Admin

    On Monday we had some new arrivals at RAPS...6 rabbits!

    We were so excited to meet the rabbits that are the new additions to our RAPS farm! We have 4 lop-eared and dwarf species and they are super cute! The children loved meeting them and they were ever so gentle as the rabbits are still young. 

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