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Viking Games!

Wednesday 24th May....

On Wednesday 24th May we are going to Chilton Primary School to participate in the Viking Games! We will form part of a team alongside other children from the same year from Chilton to take part in a wide range of sport activities. 

Children need to come to school in their PE kits with a t-shirt in their house colour if possible, with trainers. If the weather is hot, children should bring a hat, wear sun cream and have a water bottle with them. If it turns out to be a chilly day, jogging bottoms and a jumper will be needed. 

Children have been asked to be in school by 8:30am on the day of their competition to arrive on time. 

Please note - this is not our sports day. 

Children will compete in House Teams consisting of all three schools. Each House will honour the achievements of Kent athletes (please spend some time explaining this to your class): 

House Colour 

Viking Games name 



Team Holmes 

Dame Kelly Holmes won gold in 800m and 1500m at the 2004 Olympics 


Team Barnes-Miller 

James Barnes-Miller represented Team GB in snowboarding in the Paralympic Games 


Team Gemili 

Adam Gemili is the 2014 200m European Champion 


Team Beaumont 

Tammy Beaumont MBE won the Cricket World Cup with England in 2017