Bug Club is an online reading platform that children can access which has a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. Bug Club enables children to read, answer comprehension questions and allows teachers to assess this too. Chi
We have enjoyed learning about Wales. The Welsh symbol is a Daffodil and we were excited to see the Welsh flag has a dragon on it! We used clay to make our own daffodil or dragon to symbolise Wales.
We will later paint them and take them home!
This week in topic we have been learning about the four counties in the UK. Today we learnt some facts about Northern Ireland. We are so lucky that our Year 4 teacher Miss O'Flaherty did Irish dancing for 12 years and taught us some dance moves!
As well as learning about our wider community, we have also been talking about our school community and who helps us within school. We made thank you cards and delivered them! Some children wrote to Mrs Goode and Mr Robinson for teaching them PE, the
In Topic this term, we have been learning about our local community and the people within it who help us. We were so lucky to have PC Barnes and his police dog, Ciara, come to visit us. He told us all about his job, what Ciara does, and we got to ask