Happy Easter Break!
Thank you for a lovely term Team McCormack. We look forward to welcoming you back in a couple of weeks for another fun filled term!
Thank you for a lovely term Team McCormack. We look forward to welcoming you back in a couple of weeks for another fun filled term!
The children had an amazing time on the Easter bonnet parade despite the weather.
The children had so much fun at the copse today!
What a morning! The children enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen, scavenger hunts and making pictures using the materials they could find in the woodland!
We checked our weather gauges that we placed there last week, but due to the shelter of the trees, there was no water in them!
A big THANK YOU to all the grown-ups who came with us!
This week in our writing for pleasure session, we generated some questions for Bob, the man on the moon.
Looking for things to do at home?
The wind didn't stop us!
This week in PAG we have been looking at verbs....