Coronation Events
This weekend there will be events at the Royal Harbour in Ramsgate to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. You can find more information in the attachment below.
This weekend there will be events at the Royal Harbour in Ramsgate to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. You can find more information in the attachment below.
This term Year 2 will be taking part in some assessments. Please have a look at the powerpoint for the details. This is just to see what the children have retained and to inform our Teacher assessments.
If you have any questions feel free to speak to us after school.
This term show and tell will be on Wednesdays. We would like the children to bring in something they have created or a special book.
Groups for show and tell are as follows:
Emin 26th April
Malone 3rd May
Bussell 10th May
Elba 17th May
Our new English text this term is Beegu. Feel free to have a listen to the story here:
The children recently found her spaceship of the field and we have been writing a persuasive letter to let her stay at RAPS.
We have been having great fun challenging ourselves to remember our number bonds to 20 this week.
It would be great to continue the challenge at home!
You could also practice other number bonds and times tables using Hit the Button!
Welcome back, we hope you had a relaxing half term! Please see below for some key information for this term:
Following on from our meetings with you all, we wanted to provide some useful tools to help you support your children at home. Please find below some links to resources that are helpful:
- pupil booklets
Please focus on the following booklets: Place value, Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Videos (these have handy steps to know, based on different areas of learning)
- 1 minute maths app
Have a restful break, we'll see you in term 5!
The Year 2 Team
We had a great time learning about The Great Fire of London during our workshop on Thursday! We learnt that the fire started on Sunday 2nd September 1666 on Pudding Lane, and was recorded by Samuel Peyps in his diary. During our topic lesson we also discussed the different kinds of sources historians used to learn about the fire and which sources were the most reliable.
For raising the truly magnificent sum of £726 for the Little Princess Trust on our non-uniform day on Wednesday. We are truly bowled over by your generosity!
Please see the attached PowerPoint with details about last term's competition winners and information about this term's competition.
This week we have been practising the poem Walking with my Iguana by Brian Moses. The children loved the rhythm of the poem and even incorporated their own body percussion when practising. We will be performing them as a class later this week!
Year 2 have been having a wonderful time exploring Oracy this week through show and tell speech writing, a role play and improvisation workshop and oral storytelling sessions.
We have been learning that oracy includes taking time to think about what you want to say, listening to others and how you use your body language to help express your views.
Questions to ask:
What does oracy mean to you?
What makes a good speaker?
What makes a good listener?