Does Exercise make me feel happier?
This week, during Personal Development Week, we have been asking lots of BIG questions about our mental health and well-being. On Thursday, we explored the question: Does exercise make me happy?
We began by looking at the 5 Steps to Wellbeing (5 Steps to Wellbeing Animation - YouTube) which suggests that activity can boost our well-being. The children also learnt about endorphins and how these can boost our mood during and after exercise.
Finally, we tested the question. Does exercise actually make us happy. During a quick workout the children were beaming ear-to-ear and so excited to be moving. We managed to prove that exercise really does make us happy (tired but happy)!
If you would like to carry on your exercises and mindfulness at home you can follow the links below:
5 Minute Move | Kids Workout 1 | The Body Coach TV - YouTube