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Team Beraet-Williams (Yr 6)

To download a copy of this Term's Curriculum please click here

Page 7

  • Reading for Pleasure

    Published 04/02/23, by Andrew Beraet

    As we have mentioned before, every Monday afternoon, the children have a half hour 'Reading for Pleasure' slot to try to develop a love of reading and provide the children with set reading time in the school week...

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  • New spelling words

    Published 28/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    Having completed the spelling unit on silent letters, this week the spelling words are again from the statutory list. There is also a reading comprehension due in next Friday...

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  • Floodland-inspired poetry

    Published 28/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    This week, in our English lessons, Year 6 have again drawn on the themes of our text 'Floodland' to create a piece of narrative poetry...

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  • The Royal Opera House

    Published 27/01/23, by Hannah Dannell

    On Wednesday, some Year 5 and 6 children went to the Royal Opera House in London.

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  • Topic learning

    Published 22/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    The focus in topic this week has been the different ways in which the world is divided by geographers. In particular, we have looked at longitude, latitude and time zones...

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  • Newspaper reports

    Published 22/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    During English lessons, Year 6 became journalists for the week and told their readers all about the exploits of Zoe from our book, 'Floodland'...

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  • Art opportunity

    Published 22/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    Mrs Smith, the Art teacher, was given this information and wanted to pass it on. The PDF document attached outlines creative days coming up in February...

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  • Homework

    Published 20/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    The school printer is experiencing further issues, so this week's home learning is attached to this blog post...

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  • Spellings

    Published 14/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    This week, the spelling words that were sent home come from the statutory list...

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  • Our Precious World

    Published 14/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    In our topic sessions, we have begun our new topic - exploring the world around us! Our first few sessions involved sharing what we already know and then looking at different ways in which geographers divide the world...

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  • Formal letters

    Published 14/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    For our first written task of the term, the children were asked to get into character as a police officer stationed in Norwich and create a formal letter...

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  • New topics

    Published 14/01/23, by Andrew Beraet

    After the Personal Development Week, we are now firmly into our new English and RAPS curriculum topics...

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