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Welcome back!

We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas break - plenty of time with family, friends (and a bit too much to eat)! Now however, our focus returns to another exciting term at RAPS...

By the end of this week, the Curriculum map will have been updated on the class blog page, so you can have a clear overview of what we will be covering over the next six weeks. Our first week back will consist of our termly Personal Development week.

There has already been a slight tweak to the Arts Curriculum - though it does not affect which days the children need to come in wearing their PE kit. The Arts curriculum timetable now looks like this:

Monday - Dance then PE

Tuesday - Music then Computing

Wednesday - Drama then Musical Theatre

Thursday - PE then Art

As the weather looks set to remain cold and wet over the next few weeks, please ensure that your child brings a coat to school every day, and that shoes are waterproof.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!