Eco Warriors!
First Assignment as Eco Warriors - Complete!
We were invited by the Worshipful the Mayor of Ramsgate, Cllr Raushan Ara, to join the Great Ramsgate Spring Clean and help litter pick throughout the town centre.
The Great Ramsgate Spring Clean is organised by the Ramsgate Litter Forum and every year they organise of a series of short local litter-picks across our town, aimed at tackling the areas that attract lots of litter. The Ramsgate Litter Forum brings together individuals, and groups of people, working with local businesses and Ramsgate Town Council and Thanet District Council to push for cleaner streets and more responsible disposal of waste.
Who better to help with this event than Ramsgate Arts Primary School Eco Warriors, who endeavour to protect our planet for a brighter future! They were incredible, and were even gifted with some biscuits from Corby's Tea Room for doing such a good job!