Welcome back - Term 5
I hope that everyone has had a lovely Easter break and had the opportunity to recharge batteries. We start back tomorrow, so here are a few key pieces of information...
Firstly, the arts curriculum timetable is as follows:
Monday - PE & Musical Theatre
Tuesday - PE & Drama
Wednesday - Double Art
Thursday - Computing & Music
Therefore, please ensure that the children come in wearing their PE kits on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Secondly, the early morning maths group that started last term will continue during term 5 for the first 2 weeks of term. It will be the same children attending (if you do not know anything about it, then you do not need to attend!), and will commence on Monday 17th April at 8am.
Finally, a reminder that we will be under-going KS2 SATS' this term (9th - 12th May). We try to make the whole process as stress-free as possible but regardless, children do find this a stressful time. Could we ask that you support your child as much as possible by ensuring they get time to relax at home and lots of early nights.