Viking Games
Next Monday (22nd May), Years 5&6 have their edition of the Viking Games...
Due to the Covid pandemic, we have been unable to hold this event for the past few years, however it has emerged from the annals of history and will be occurring for upper Key Stage 2 (years 5&6) on Monday. Basically, it is like a sports day but across the three schools in the trust.
We will be catching the train to Broadstairs and walking to Upton, so please ensure children are in school promptly and that - if possible - they are wearing their house colours, have a packed lunch and a water bottle (ideally named).
If the weather is good (hopefully), please ensure your child has sun cream and is wearing shorts. If the weather is a bit grey or cloudy, obviously joggers etc.
We will be eating a packed lunch at Upton before we catch the train back to Ramsgate. If your child requires a school packed lunch, please let the school office know.