Team Amin-Barnes Spelling Term 3 Week 4
Please find attached spellings for this week, which will be given out today. Children will be tested on these next Friday (07.02.2025).
Please find attached spellings for this week, which will be given out today. Children will be tested on these next Friday (07.02.2025).
We love playing games together, cooperating and collaborating in Team Amin-Barnes!
Thank you for your continued support with our termly library trips! The children have thoroughly enjoyed selecting new books and sharing stories with their friends. The library have let us know that they will no longer be able to allow children to take out books without their physical cards, even if they are registered, as it takes a lot of time and means some children aren't getting a chance to withdraw a book before the end of the trip.
If your child does not yet have a library card, this can be done by either popping into the library or signing up online here. Please do this before the next trip so that your child is able to withdraw a book.
Yesterday, we learnt about the emergency services and how to stay safe in an emergency. We had so much fun role-playing different scenarios! First, we pretended someone was hurt. We pretended to call 999 and we remembered to stay calm and say, "We need the ...., You need to send help to ....". We learnt about who we actually speak to when we call for help too. It’s important to shout for help too! At the end of our session, we felt confident because we know now how to stay safe and who to contact in an emergency.
Please find attached the spelling homework for week 3!
We finished reading our first 'Charlie and Lola' text on Friday afternoon and had a go at role playing our favourite scenes! We loved being characters in role and sharing our scenes with the class!
Why not challenge us to spot symmetrical objects around us and at home? We've been learning all about symmetry in Year 2 this term!
We really enjoyed drawing different 2D shapes today in Maths! It was tricky, but lots of fun to draw shapes we wouldn't normally draw, like hexagons and octagons! Well done, Team Amin-Barnes.
Please find attached the spelling homework for week 2. They will be sent home on Friday 17th January and will be tested on Friday 24th January.