Christmas Play!
Christmas play season! We have been working so incredibly hard and am so excited to share it with you all on Wednesday 18th December.
Christmas play season! We have been working so incredibly hard and am so excited to share it with you all on Wednesday 18th December.
Spellings this week will be handed out on Friday 6th December and will be due back Friday 13th December. Spelling sheets can be traded in for house points on Friday (or any other way you have practised your spellings).
Christmas has arrived at RAPS. On Mindfulness Monday, we had the chance to decorate a Christmas tree together with some of our friends from Team Morris! Come and have a look, it looks beautiful! Key dates for the Christmas period can be found on the Year 2 classroom windows and the newsletter.
What a fun Topic lesson we had on Monday when we looked at lots of pictures of famous landmarks around the world and had a go at naming and sorting them using our teamwork skills. We know so many landmarks already! Why not ask us to name a few for you! Well done, Year 2.
On Monday in Year 2, we explored the song ‘This is the way we brush our teeth’, and started to collaborate with our partners to write our own verses for it! Ask us all about it, we had so much fun!
We have a new core text!
Last week, on Friday, we finished working on our beautiful Christmas decorations for the RAPS trees, as per tradition! We cannot wait for the tree to be decorated next week.
We went on a hunt today to find treasure using a map of the Key Stage 1 corridor! It was lots of fun! Ask us all about it!
Please find this week's spellings attached. They will be sent out this Friday and are due back Friday 29th November.
Last week, we explored physical and human features in the coastal towns of Ramsgate and Olinda! We really enjoyed exploring pictures and looking on Google Earth before creating our own comparison posters with peers to share our new knowledge! Well done Year 2!
On Thursday 21st November, Year 2 will now be visiting our local library again in the afternoon. Please remember to send your child in with their library card and any books they want to exchange.
If you are able to join us for the walk and at the library, please let a team adult know! It would be very much appreciated.
Team Amin-Barnes - 12.30-1.30 (parents to arrive for around 12.20pm please)
Team Morris - 1.30-2.30 (parents to arrive for 1.15pm please)
Thank you in advance :)
We are exploring strategies for addition in Year 2 this week! What a fun Maths lesson today using tens frames to make 10 to help us add before using our mental maths to check our answers! We loved moving onto tricky challenge questions and unpicking new styles of questions together too. Well done, Year 2!