Personal Development Week in Team Hayzelden
Check out all of the wonderful learning we have been doing in our Personal Development lessons this week!
This week it has been personal development week at RAPS.
In our RE lessons we have been learning about the importance of Easter to Christians. We have learnt about Palm Sunday, creating freeze frames and palm crosses to show Jesus returning to Jerusalem. Then, we hot seated people in role as Jesus' disciples to find out how they felt about his death.
In our British Values lesson this week have been learning how to express our opinions respectfully. We talked about how it is okay to disagree with somebody's opinion, as long as we express this respectfully. We acted out short scenarios to show this.
In citizenship we learnt about petitions. We learnt that petitions are made about causes and changes that people are passionate about. We then created our own petitions about causes we are passionate about and tried to convince others to sign them.
Finally, we finished the week with our oracy lesson. We have been focussing on how to politely end a conversation. We applied this to debate the question 'Should we ban homework?'.