Information Sent Home
Please see below copies of information and messages sent out via email & through MCAS.
Friday 18th September 2020
We have noticed that at the start of the day parents are starting to congregate outside the school gates before 8.15. Can I remind you the School gates will open at 8:15 and close at 8:30 to allow a ‘fluid’ entry and avoid over-crowding – please do not arrive on the school site prior to 8:15 .We have opted for a fluid entry as we felt that if we give year groups set times then we will have lots of parents waiting around as they may have 2 or even 3 different drop off times. Lots of schools that had set entry times have now opted for a fluid entry system. We operate a one-way system and parents leave via the Newington Road gate. Children can be taken around to classrooms by one parent. If your child is old enough to be dropped off at the dance-studio gate to walk around to class by themselves, that would help us maintain social-distancing at drop-off time. Please can parents be mindful of social distancing and ensure that they keep their distance and leave the school site as quickly as possible. Thank you for your co-operation.
Friday 4th September 2020
We have sent home the following message this morning: Good morning, The local traffic enforcers were out issuing tickets this morning. We understand that parking is very limited, but ask that parents please park responsibly for the safety of all our children. Thank you RAPS Team
Dear Parent, We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to After School Club. We have moved the club into the main hall. The pick up gate is to the left of the reception entrance, adjacent to the dance hall. There is a bell and a sign besides it to help direct you. Please ring the bell upon arrival and we will come to let you in. Kind regards, Suzi Stow, After School Club Supervisor
Thursday 3rd September 2020
We have sent home thew following message: Good afternoon, please remember that the arts curriculum is not running during this week and as such all children will be finishing their school day at 3pm today. Thank you
We have sent home the following message this afternoon: Good afternoon, When collecting your children, please stand in the designated area for your year group. These are all marked out. Key stage 2 parents, please walk along the grassed area round the side of the playground to stand on the field behind the designated posts. Thank you RAPS Team.
Monday 20th July 2020
We have sent home the following message today: Good morning, If you are coming to the end of year picnics, please can you bring any core texts or reading books that went home before lock down, back to school. Best wishes, RAPS Team.
Friday 17th July 2020
We have sent home the following message today to Parents/Carers: This is a reminder: If your child requires an After School Club place for September the form needs to be completed and returned by 8.30am Monday 20th July at the latest or they will not be allocated a place as we are unable to run drop in sessions. Thank you for your understanding.
Thursday 16th July 2020
We have sent home the following message to all Parents/Carers today: Dear Parent/Carer, we are introducing a new form for administering medication. Please could you complete the key survey form following the link below if your child will need medication administered from September. This also applies to those children who are already having medication administered at school. Thank you. Please follow this link to fill out the key survey:
Monday 13th July 2020
Good afternoon, the following message was sent out to the whole school community today:
Dear Parents and Carers, we would like to remind parents today is the cut off point for FSM. Due to the current situation families that weren’t previously eligible for Free School Meals funding may now qualify. If your circumstances have changed at all during this difficult period please go to to find out if you are now eligible. If you are awarded free schools meal you will then be sent the government vouchers during the school holidays. If you have already applied before and are in receipt of Free School Meal vouchers you do not need apply again. Best wishes RAPS office
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Good afternoon, we have sent out the following message today to the whole school community:
Dear Parents/Carers, please see below for a link which contains recently updated guidance entitled 'What parents and carers need to know about schools, colleges and other educational settings during the Coronavirus outbreak' which has been published by the UK Government.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Best wishes
Ramsgate Arts Primary School
Friday 1st May 2020
Good morning, A form will be sent out early next week via email/MCAS for those due refunds for the year 6 Isle of White trip. We thank you for your patience at this time.
Monday 20th April 2020
Good afternoon, the following message was sent out today. Good afternoon, I have included the following link which may be useful for Parents/Carers with children aged between 5-19. Thank you.
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