Love to learn this term.
Please bring in your Love to Learn work on the 5th of June. We will discuss and talk about the work during that week. Details below.
To download a copy of this Term's Curriculum please click here
Please bring in your Love to Learn work on the 5th of June. We will discuss and talk about the work during that week. Details below.
Please bring in your love to learn project (if you managed to complete it) and your book this week.
On Friday this week, the children in Team Emin (the blue house) will bring in their objects for show and tell. Please bring the objects in, in the morning and give them to Mr. Jones. The objects should not be toys, but rather objects with a story or objects which the child has created. If you are not sure which house your child is in, look at the basket they put their reading folder in and it will show you the colour of their house. Their reading folder will also have the colour of their house along the zip. Next week is Team Bussell (red).
Week 2 - Bussell (red)
Week 3 - Malone (Green)
Week 4 - Elba (yellow)
Week 5 - Emin (blue)
Week 6 - Bussell (Red)
Welcome back and welcome to term 5! We hope you had a lovely Easter and enjoyed your break. In week 1 we will have a personal development week. This term our topic will be 'Ready Steady Grow' which will start in week 2. We will learn all about plants, animal growth and lifecycles. PE will still be on Thursday afternoon, please bring in your child in PE kit on that day. On Friday afternoon we will have music and dance.
Show and Tell will be held on Fridays in term 5. One house group will be able to bring in their show and tell each week (not the whole class). The object should be something the child has made or a souvenir from a trip, no toys or cuddly toys. The houses and dates are below.
Week 1 - Emin (blue)
Week 2 - Bussell (red)
Week 3 - Malone (Green)
Week 4 - Elba (yellow)
Week 5 - Emin (blue)
Week 6 - Bussell (Red)
We had an amazing day of costumes and alien fun. Dr. Jones managed to conduct some productive research with his team of trusty scientists. Below are a few of the research subjects.
On Monday the 27th aliens are expected to visit the school. We have drawn maps for them, we have collected magnets for their spaceship and finally, they should visit us! The USS Ramsgate is ready for the arrival and the crew have asked NASA for an official alien protocol for the Earths first contact with extraterrestrial life.
Please dress your child up as an alien. The costume doesn't have to be out of this world; the alien could look suspiciously like a child, but with antenna, or the alien could come from the planet Ag and be completely wrapped in tin foil. There are an infinite amount of possibilities. We have been reading the book: Here come the aliens and if you would like any inspiration, check out this video:
Beefio band are finally back from their world tour, fuelled by riders filled with little gems and copious amounts of Ribena, they have once again returned with a certified smash hit: the good morning song! This is a sneak peek demo, but keep your ears alert for a (likely similar quality) new recoding sometime soon, or maybe even the lost Bside the chocolate hymn will finally be recorded.
Somewhat Miraculously, we have received two letters this week, both from aliens from the same planet. We also saw some pictures of them in the book 'Here Come The Aliens'. On Monday we drew our own aliens, on Tuesday the aliens crashed in to our school, and we had to find magnetic objects; so the aliens could fix their ship (ask your child to tell you the properties of a magnet: north and south pole, magnetic field and if earth has a magnetic field) and on Wednesday the crashed ship alien's friends wanted to come visit after hearing how kind we are, so we looked at maps and drew them a bird's eye view map, so they could find us (they have yet to visit)!
We have also learnt a certified space banger, a song that is sure to enter the galactic charts any day soon: it is a really great song and your child will be able to sing an incredible amount of it already!
Also ask your child what orbits the earth, what the earth orbits, the order of the planets and ask them if they know what a constellation is!
In art last week we were finding one more and one less up to 10. Ask your child what one more than 8 is, or to count on from 5. We have been challenging the children to do this with greater numbers too, so as a challenge ask them to do this in the teens or twenties too!
This week we have looked at number bonds to 5 and number bonds to 10. At parents evening you would have received a print-out for both and practice doing this with your children at home. Challenge them to show you a number bond to 5 or 10 on their hands! They should know a few! We have also looked at 2D and 3D shapes in our starters and will look at this properly tomorrow! Challenge your child to find 3D objects in the environment, especially at home. Ask them if they consumed a cone tomorrow afternoon?
The children are also amazing at patterns. Ask them to show you ABB, AABB or even AAABBB patterns using their bodies as instruments. Your child would defiantly love to show you their ability to do this o We Will Rock You!