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Magical Maths Day at RAPS

The magic of Maths was celebrated with a special fun focus by children at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

Pupils across the school took part in the annual numbers day promoted by the NSPCC, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

As well as raising awareness about the vital work carried out by the charity to keep children across the UK safe, the event at RAPS was also about taking part in exciting and accessible investigations enjoying the various ways in which numbers are used in everyday life as well as in lessons.

Drawing in the school values of collaboration and resilience, children worked alongside each other on activities aimed towards inspiring our youngest to oldest mathematicians to see Maths as both fun and meaningful.

Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils applied number bond knowledge to balance scales with Numicon, investigated patterns and position and direction through tower building and racing cars, and tested their number knowledge to decode what was 'in the box'. They even worked ‘systematically’ to build different robots.

In Key Stage 2 children used their addition knowledge to create witches' potions that turned teachers into frogs, used their growing systematic reasoning to buy ingredients for potions at a 'Magic Shop', completed their own star puzzles and even several 'impossible' challenges featuring the knights of the round table.

Assistant Head of School Kiki Amin co-ordinated the day. She said: “The aim of our number day to build a deeper enjoyment of Maths for all pupils outside of normal ‘classroom lessons’ and to get our children talking about the subject.

“We have thoroughly enjoyed seeing how enthusiastic RAPS pupils were during each activity, whilst also displaying some super mathematical understanding. It is always so lovely to see our pupils working with numbers in different contexts and applying their knowledge and skills with confidence and enthusiasm.”

Ramsgate Arts Primary is part of the Viking Academy Trust with its partner schools Chilton Primary in Ramsgate and Upton Juniors in Broadstairs.

**Contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847