Maths update

We've started a new module in maths, shape is old news - we're on place value to 20 now.
Each maths module is taught in 'steps', it's normally taught as one step per day. Today we were on Step 8: numberline to 20. The children were great, as always! We had numberlines to 20 with missing numbers that we had to work out which numbers were missing.
We've already been looking at building numbers above ten. We know that 14 is one full tens frame and then 4 ones. Do test the children on this, they're good at it! We've been physically filling tens frames with items to show the full frame and then the extra ones. I'll attach a blank tens frame in case you want to do this at home but it's easily drawn out onto paper if you can't print. They're very good at correcting me when I get it wrong, for example I often put all 14 counters on one frame and say I've built 14! (I'm sure they think I'm actually pretty rubbish at maths!!)