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  • Unearthing Britain’s History

    Published 15/06/22

    The lives of the invaders and settlers who changed the face of Britain are being explored by children at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

    The Year 5 ‘history detectives’ are delving deep into the past to discover what shaped the way the country developed through the centuries.

    Within this term’s topic girls and boys will research the Roman invasion of our shores including how the Britons reacted and what happened after. They will also find out about the heritage and culture of the Anglo-Saxons, the Viking invaders, and Alfred the Great. 

    As part of their learning pupils have already looked at a range of artefacts in class. These include a replica sword, a Roman-style mosaic and candlestick and a statue of a goddess, together with a cooking pot and a fibula which was used to pin clothing.

    Head of Year 5 Hannah Dannell added: “The children have also created a Saxon-style brooch using an embossing technique. They embossed tin foil over cardboard and then coloured it using permanent markers to make it look like metal and jewels. The patterns they created were symmetrical to look at and as authentic in detail as possible.”

    Head of School Nick Budge said: “Exploring the social history and development of our country is an important part of our pupils’ learning as they unravel our rich and interesting heritage.

    “The invaders and settlers work enables our Year 5 pupils to dig deep into the past and find out how and why Britain developed in the way it did centuries ago – they will trace timelines to map the way our society progressed and dealt with huge changes along the way.

    “As well as expanding their knowledge, it will develop our children’s critical thinking skills.”


    For more information contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847

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  • RAPS Has Got Talent

    Published 08/06/22

    Everyone was a winner as Ramsgate Arts Primary children took to the stage for a special talent show.

    In front of a packed main hall, young performers from across the age groups demonstrated a range of performances that kept the crowd enthralled.

    A panel of judges on stage scrutinised the acts and awarded them marks for presentation and performance.

    The RAPS Has Got Talent spectacular was put on by children from Year 5 Year who did everything themselves including hosting, judging, controlling the music and making the PowerPoint display for the large screen above the stage.

    Teacher Hannah Dannell co-ordinated the event. She said: “There was an enormous amount of talent from the contestants who took part including dancing, singing, playing guitar and gymnastics.

    “After watching the acts, the judges went off to deliberate and had a difficult time choosing their top three spots. Third was Sienna and Phoebe from Year 6 with their rendition of Fight Song; runner up singer Raph from Year5; and the winner was Eva from year 3 with her astounding magic tricks.

    “Huge praise goes to all our contestants and the team who worked so hard to put the show together and ensured it ran smoothly.

    “We would like to say well done to all the performers - they are all winners in our eyes.”

    Head of School Nick Budge agreed and praised the enthusiasm and attitude of the performers. He said: “It is no mean feat to get up on stage in front of the school and demonstrate your skills.

    “Our talented girls and boys were of a high standard for their age ranges and they gave all of us in the audience a smashing treat.”

    Ramsgate Arts Primary is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School, Broadstairs, and Chilton Primary, Ramsgate.

    For more information contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847.

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  • Right Royal Celebration at RAPS

    Published 27/05/22

    Jubilee fever gripped Ramsgate Arts Primary as children of all ages celebrated the Queen’s marvellous milestone.

    Throughout the school there was a buzz of right royal activity as girls and boys wore red, white and blue clothing to represent the national flag colours.

    One of the hives of activity was in the early years learning area where the school’s youngest pupils had an exciting time through play-learning around the jubilee theme.

    They made patriotic flags, decorations, role-played making a traditional British cuppa, feasted on fish and chips, wore a regal crown, learned about the Queen and the jubilee by listening to stories about Her Majesty and her family, and listened to classical music that was played as a background soundtrack to their day.

    The little ones also joined the rest of the school in a special assembly where they took part in a quiz and sang the national anthem while waving their flags.

    Pupils across school took part in an art project in their year groups looking at the work of local artist Ann Carrington and produced some replicas of her work using ‘found’objects - these will be displayed in Ramsgate railway station for the Jubilee.

    Elsewhere across RAPS Year 1 pupils learnt all about the Queen and then made their own list of rules of what they would do if we were King or Queen. Their artwork included making a British themed collage. In Year 3 girls and boys began their day of celebrations by watching the majesty and ceremony of the Queen’s coronation.

    Early Years Foundation Studies lead Sophie Spurrier said: “They little ones were excited and were really engaged with all the activities they took part in. It was a wonderful atmosphere and they certainly celebrated in style.”

    Head of School Nick Budge added: “We celebrated our Jubilee Day in advance throughout the school as we will be on a holiday break when the actual event is celebrated nationwide.

    “Our children really showed their creative skills with a range of diverse activities centred on the jubilee theme. Throughout the day they learnt more about the history, heritage and culture of our royal family and what makes the Queen’s jubilee so special. It is a milestone event in our country’s history that our girls and boys will remember.”

    For more information contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847.

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  • RAPS Children Love Caring for Their Furry Friends

    Published 26/05/22

    The magic of life has been witnessed first-hand by little children at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

    A batch of duck eggs have been observed over a period of days as part of the pupils’ topic Ready Steady Grow.

    The eggs were kept in a special incubator in class while Reception year group pupils took turns to record any development and researched the passage of life from egg to chick. They also wrote down their thoughts and these were collated on a large board with pictures, photos and information.

    When the chicks hatched the boys and girls couldn’t wait to hold their fluffy days-old feathered friends.

    Teacher Sophie Spurrier is Early Years Foundation Studies Lead at RAPS. She said: “The children were so excited to be able to watch the magical transformation from an egg in an incubator hatching into a fluffy chick. It was fascinating to see them transfixed as they welcomed them into the world.

    “It gave us the chance to discuss life cycles, learn how to care for the chicks, discuss how animals change as they grow. One of the chicks sadly died but was very poorly from being born, and the children were great at dealing with this and understanding it as part of the life cycle.

    “It was a great hands on opportunity for the children and an amazing WOW moment for class.

    “It has been such a buzz and the children haven't stopped writing to them, making gifts for them and have been very kind and caring. We have even had a vote to name them.”

    Head of School Nick Budge said: “Hands-on learning gives education a better dimension and our girls and boys in Reception are learning valuable aspects about the journey of life. They gain so much from initiatives like this.

    “They are captivated by the chicks and what they are learning about them as they develop. It is a perfect experience and is a brilliant way to learn. It is something they will never forget.”

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School at Broadstairs and Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate.

    For more information contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847.

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  • Learning Face to Face With Nature

    Published 26/05/22

    Enjoying the world of nature is an important part of their learning adventure for children in their first year at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

    The Reception group girls and boys are currently discovering fascinating facts about the life cycle in their Ready Steady Grow topic.

    To help reinforce their learning they left the classroom and enjoyed an informative trip to the acclaimed Rare Breeds Centre at Highlands Farm near Ashford.

    A fun programme of activities saw girls and boys immersed in a variety of experiences.

    These included a bug hunt workshop where they explore habitats in search of minibeasts, looked under logs and identified their sightings using a worksheet. They also investigated life around the farm’s pond where they dipped the water using nets and examined their catches using magnifying glasses.

    Pupils also discussed the life cycle of animals and their young and how they change over time as they reach adulthood.

    A big favourite was meeting some of the centre’s animals at the petting barn including baby goats, calves and rabbits where they found out how they are cared for and what they eat.

    The young explorers also visited the farm’s eco garden to see what plants are being cultivated and how they grow. They discussed the different parts of plants and which are safe for humans to eat.

    Sophie Spurrier, Head of Early Years Foundation Studies at RAPS, said the visit was an important opportunity for the little children. She said: “Real life learning in topics like this is invaluable. They had the chance to see how the rare breeds centre works, met lots of different creatures, found out about their habits and how their lives evolve.

    “It supports what they have already learnt and expands their knowledge base. The knowledge they have gained is already informing the way they are working through the rest of the topic.”

    The Rare Breeds Centre is at Highlands Farm, Woodchurch, Ashford. Find out more online at

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School at Broadstairs and Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate.

    For more information contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847.

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  • Animal Magic at Wildlife Centre

    Published 23/05/22

    A mini adventure has led young explorers from Ramsgate Arts Primary to experience the amazing world of wildlife at first hand.

    The group of five and six year olds from Year 1 were able to investigate a varied range of animals safely yet at close quarters at Wingham Wildlife Park near Canterbury.

    The girls and boys saw creatures including lions, tigers, chimpanzees, penguins and meerkats and were keen to find out more about their daily lives.

    The visit was part of their ongoing topic Animals and Us which includes learning about different animal groups and what they like to eat.

    Year 1 teacher Jessica Barnes explained: “Our trip to Wingham was a great opportunity for the children to see lots of different animals first hand.

    “They were keen to look out for what food they were eating and to know the name of the animal. The children also enjoyed reading the information signs for the different animals to learn more about them and expand their knowledge.

    “We have also been learning about insects and have recently enjoyed a bug hunt in our school grounds. So the park’s bug garden with huge model insects was a perfect way to reinforce what they had discovered at school.”

    The group also journeyed back to prehistoric times at the dinosaur zoo where the saw a whole range of creatures including velociraptor, tricaretops, stegosaurus and diplodocus.

    Mrs Barnes added: “Visiting the wildlife park gives an extra dimension to this topic. It creates added enthusiasm for the work we are covering – there was a real sense of awe and wonder from our children.”

    Wingham Wildlife Park covers an area of 26 acres and features hundreds of species covering fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and birds. Find out more online at

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School in Broadstairs and Chilton Primary School in Ramsgate.

    For more information contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847

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  • Arts at the Heart of Learning at RAPS

    Published 20/04/22

    A lively and creative week exploring the Arts with The Lion King as a main inspiration has been a roaring success at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

    The classic story was a theme for a number of activities that were actively embraced by children from all age groups.

    ‘Arts at the Heart of RAPS’ was the umbrella theme for a week-long programme of fun and challenging learning at the area’s only specialist arts school.

    Girls and boys explored a large range of opportunities that saw them learning new skills and ambitiously broadening existing ones.

    Current members of The Lion King stage show - Shannon Taiwo and Kuan Frye - led workshops covering dance, acting, singing and a ‘question time’ session about the musical.

    And children aged seven to eleven years old then enjoyed the spectacular musical live on stage with a special trip to the Lyceum Theatre in London to witness the production that left them ’excited and overawed’. Younger classes also got the chance to see The Lion King film at a screening in school.

    Emily Mays choreographed music and movement to The Lion King soundtrack, while Freya Watson taught songs from the show. Jon Williams continued the theme with drama workshops.

    Naomi Hammerton and pupils worked together to discover songwriting and create a special work for RAPS, while Rich Rhythms explored the world of African drumming with children pounding out the beats on djembes.

    An art design workshop with Christine Marfleet saw girls and boys design and create masks either based on animals in The Lion King, or inspired by African fabrics and art.

    Professional cinematographer Edward Stafford rehearsed and film a short scene with keen young actors, while stop-motion animation and green screen workshops with Mike Brown were very popular. Specially-written lion-themed tales were enjoyed in storytelling sessions.

    Head of School Nick Budge explained: “This was a focussed celebration of the Arts for a whole week. Creativity is central to what we do and it is a major part of our identity.

    “It was important to be able to offer such a range of first class opportunities to our children to work with visiting performers and educators alongside our talented staff.

    “The reaction was amazing. Children clearly embraced the whole programme and were bubbling with all the new things they were enjoying learning about. There will be displays of our children’s creative work on show around the school.

    “The effect of this specialist week of learning will carry over into the rest of the school year and beyond. It has expanded the horizons of our children and reinforced their love of the Arts which are at the heart of our school community.”

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.

    *For more information, contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847

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  • Super St Lucia Learning Getaway for RAPS Adventurers

    Published 11/03/22

    Children at Ramsgate Arts Primary packed their bags for an imaginary journey around the island of St Lucia.

    As part of their topic People and Places, Year 3 boys and girls accompanied Freshwater Theatre on a trip to explore the Caribbean paradise.

    Together they climbed the tapered Piton mountains, helped out at a banana plantation, visited a rainforest and looked around a traditional school.

    The educational adventure clearly made a major impact on the children. Here is what they thought about their experiences.

    Karina aged seven said: “I loved pretending to be a tour guide in the rainforest. We saw water spiders,” while Avi, eight, added: “I was a fisherman and I had to catch fish for my family.”

    Agnes, eight, explained: “My favourite bit was doing the limbo and all the music.” Dalia, eight, said: “I thought that it was really fun and I liked being on the bus, it was so bumpy,” and Vincent, eight, summed it up well: “I loved exploring and all of the different jobs we got to do.”

    Teacher Claire O’Flaherty said: “The children were captivated throughout and really enjoyed all of the activities. It was wonderful to see them so immersed in their learning and they were talking about this experience for days.”

    Head of School Nick Budge believes in giving pupils as many different learning opportunities as possible. He said: “This virtual trip to St Lucia was brilliantly delivered by the theatre group who made the island adventure come alive for them.”

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.

    *For more information, contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847

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  • The Magical World of Reading at RAPS

    Published 07/03/22

    The wonderful world of reading and storytelling is an important key to unlock a child’s imagination – and Ramsgate Arts Primary hold a series of reading for pleasure sessions throughout the year.

    The latest of these celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day with children, families and staff sharing the joy of the written and spoken word through a structured programme of fun learning activities.

    Head of School Nick Budge said: “The use of language is a central part of our learning and our focus on reading and the joy it brings is a way to explore so many different avenues for our children.”

    Familiar colourful characters and costumes from a range of authors leapt from the pages of storybooks and into the classrooms and corridors as pupils and staff dressed as their favourites.

    Teachers all dressed up as the Disney classic’s 101 Dalmatians with Mr Budge as their menacing nemesis Cruella de Ville.

    Children of all ages enjoyed numerous book-related activities that not only helps develop their abilities to read but encourages their love of reading.

    The special day included the chance for pupils to identify the masked reader as undercover teachers read stories and their listeners had to guess who was telling the tales.

    National live workshops were screened online all day, while special bespoke sessions pre-recorded for RAPS by authors and illustrators were popular.

    Teachers swapped classes to read their favourite books to different children,. While class buddies of different age groups paired up to share stories from the school library and book corners.

    Parents were invited into the school hall for a magical reading by torchlight on comfy cushions, beanbags and sofas; and all pupils received tokens to spend in national book stores or at the Moon Lane bookshop in Ramsgate.

    One of the most challenging tasks saw pupils tasked earlier with reading stories to their pets and reading in the most unusual places, with the evidence photographed. There were a selection of interesting and thoughtful entries, with pupils Millie and Annie judged the winners.

    Teacher Sophie Spurrier, who is Early Years Foundation Studies lead, co-ordinated the event. She said: “Our aim is simple – to highlight the love of reading every day.

    “Our children are excited about books and the amazing journeys that stories can take them on - we wanted to make sure our World Book Day was all about reading for pleasure to encourage our girls and boys to get lost in the magical world of reading.

    “It was important also that this was not just a one-off activity but was an ongoing celebration of the written and spoken word. At RAPS we have lots of reading for pleasure sessions planned in for the rest of the year too.”

    Mr Budge added: “It was a spectacular day as magical as the characters and stories that captivate us all. Loving books and being excited to immerse yourself in a thrilling story is the right of every child, and we nurture it from the youngest of ages.”

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.

    *For more information, contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847

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  • RAPS - Keeping Children Safe Online

    Published 24/02/22

    A charter for safe internet use is to be drawn up at Ramsgate Arts Primary School. Children will play a large role in discussing and devising a simple and effective set of guidelines when using smartphones, tablets and computers to link into the world wide web.

    It follows the school’s participation in the national Safer Internet Day on February 8 when RAPS existing safeguards were reinforced and discussed.

    The official theme for the nationwide initiative was ‘All Fun and Games?’ and it explored respect and relationships online.

    Each class is drew attention to the issues surrounding safer internet use with specific learning time set aside to address the situation.

    A range of activities included year 1 pupils reading the story Digiduck and the Magic Castle which is about online safety - it was followed by a discussion about how to react in a number of different scenarios.

    Meanwhile Reception and Year 2 classes got creative to design posters to promote online safety.

    Year 5 girls and boys explored the possible dangers of online gaming and what to do in different scenarios. They also held an e-safety related Who Wants To Be a Millionaire style quiz.

    Head of School Nick Budge said: “Children’s safety is a priority and we continually build upon the secure practices and messages we have in place, particularly when it involves internet safety.

    “In the coming weeks our children will further reinforce these messages by creating a RAPS e-safety charter from a pupil’s perspective.

    “Technology plays a significant role in their young lives and it is vital they know how to act safely when using it, including how to identify and report a concern.”

    In recent years the school has contacted families appealing to them to support its stance on unrestricted use and to make sure that children do not go online to any site that is not age appropriate.

    Mr Budge reiterated the school’s stance on internet use. He said: “We remind parents and carers that social media is not advised for children below age 13, and age restrictions apply to social media accounts for good reason. 

    “The use of social media by under age children is increasingly a nationwide issue, with many children being exposed to risks such as contact with strangers, significant emotional risk, social conflict, hacking of personal information and data and exposure to inappropriate content.”

    Deputy Head of School Hanna Beech has carried out snapshot surveys with pupils in recent years to focus on the type of access they have to the internet and its various sites.

    She added: “We ask all parents and carers to reflect on the access their children have to social media and consider carefully monitoring the use of mobile phones, tablets and computers.”

    Further information about keeping children safe online is available via the school’s website and also via or come into school for a chat.”

    *Safer Internet Day 2022 was co-ordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre and it saw thousands of organisations involved to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. Find out more at

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School at Broadstairs and Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate.

    • For more information contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847.
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  • RAPS Great Greek Experience

    Published 22/02/22

    It was all Greek to children at Ramsgate Arts Primary as they journeyed into the world of the ancient civilisation.

    An inspirational day celebrating the history, heritage and culture of Ancient Greece enthralled girls and boys from Year 5.

    The aim was to encourage them to explore the ways that families, traders, soldiers, and nobility lived in what was one of the most exciting and developing civilisations the expanding world had known.

    Pupils were invited to dress up in the style of the period and there were a range of colourful and thoughtful outfits and accessories on show as the day of fun learning unfolded.

    A range of activities began with solving the puzzle of a broken Greek vase which children had to put back together.

    Next was a workshop to explore music and movement as traditional Greek dancing was enthusiastically tried out, with youngsters learning the moves to the centuries-old Zorba dance.  

    In a drama session the children were transported to a Greek marketplace or ‘agora’ where they became buyers and sellers, haggling and discussing a variety of goods.

    Next they assumed the personas of competitors preparing and competing in the Olympic Games, discussing a variety of sports that would be contested.

    The children also delved into folklore and created freeze-frame cameos of well-known legends from Ancient Greece.

    Next up was taste-testing Greek foods and pupils tucked into a range of treats olives, feta, pitta, tzatziki and humus.

    The final experiences of the action-packed day was making wreaths and learning Greek writing.

    Year 5 teacher Hannah Dannell said: “We all enjoyed a great day learning as much as we could about such an important ancient civilisation.

    “The children were really enthusiastic about the various aspects of the day and it was a strong creative learning experience.”

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.

    *For more information, contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847

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  • Sum Fun With Numbers at RAPS

    Published 10/02/22

    Ramsgate Arts Primary went Maths Mad with special activities focussing on numeracy skills.

    The mini maths marathon added up to lots of practical and exciting games and events led by teachers linked to the core subject.

    Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 played a variety of educational games including card games like snap, a life-size snakes and ladders board in the outdoor play area, plus some challenges specifically to allow them to practise or recall key number skills in a fun way.

    Older girls and boys in Key Stage 2 tackled maze-building, completed a range of logic problems and magic squares, and took on ‘impossible Maths-related challenges’.

    In KS2, the children did some maze building, completed logic problems, magic squares and even completed several 'impossible' challenges!

    Teacher Kiki Amin, who co-ordinated the Maths sessions, said: “It was a brilliant opportunity to foster a deeper enjoyment of Maths for all of our pupils.

    “It also offered them the chance to have fun with numbers and to work with peers in classes they would not normally work with.

    “It was lovely to see how enthusiastic the children were during each activity, whilst also displaying some super mathematical understanding and discussion.”

    The main event supported the annual NSPCC charity Number Day which encourages a strong Maths focus.

    In addition, pupils in Key Stage 2 competed in a week-long ‘battle of the bands’ competition via the engaging Times Table Rock Stars interactive learning programme. Competition was fierce as players built up their speed and points tally, with Year 6 finally beating Year 5 in a close-run contest.

    Head of School Nick Budge was pleased with the enthusiastic response to the Maths activities. He said: “Although we celebrate the highly creative side of RAPS as the only arts specialist school in the area, we also enjoy and develop our core curriculum subjects such as Maths.

    “The special programme our staff put together enabled our children to reinforce the importance of a strong Maths education in their lives in a fun, challenging and imaginative way across all age groups.”

    Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.

    *For more information, contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847

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