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School News - Friday 7th October 2016

School Newsletter - Friday 7th October 

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a fantastic few weeks at school and each and every child has made a brilliant start to the year. All the children are eager to learn and keen to impress their new teachers. Behaviour of the children in class, around the school and outside has been excellent and the children seem to be very keen to keep their 25 points each week in our new behaviour system. I gave out over 55 Ramsgate Free School badges last week - those children have been superb examples of Ramsgate Free School pupils and have kept all 75 points over the past 3 weeks. Well done to all of those pupils!

An extra special well done to our new Reception class who are growing in confidence daily. As I walk around the school, it is clear to see how well they have settled in and have already become true Ramsgate Free School pupils. We are very lucky to have them as a part of our school and join the rest of our incredible children to make our school a fantastic place to be.