Cultural Day
Pupils Celebrate Cultural Diversity through the Arts
A Columbian percussion workshop helped children bang the drum for cultural diversity at Ramsgate Free School.
It was just one of a range of activities that celebrated the annual UNESCO global celebration for cultural diversity for dialogue and development.
Children also dressed in colourful costumes to celebrate their own and different heritage, and they brought into school class special foods from these cultures to share with classmates, parents and friends on a special celebration day.
Other events included drama pupils performing freeze-frames and re-enacting the story of How the Elephant Got It’s Trunk; Salsa dancing workshops; African inspired artwork and general art workshops exploring influences from around the world.
One pupil said: ‘‘It is really interesting seeing and tasting foods from so many parts of the world,’’ while a visiting parent added: “It’s amazing that in one small school there are so many children from different cultures and it is so important that these are celebrated.’’
Head of School Nick Budge explained: “The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development tends to be marked in countries that embraced their varied cultural history and acknowledged the importance of embracing it.
It is important for children and adults to learn about the importance of cultural diversity and harmony, and celebrate this through art-inspired activities across the whole school.
One of our school values is diversity. What better way of celebrating this than through our arts curriculum - through music, dance, drama and art and food of the different cultures.’’