RAPS Children Lobby Thanet MP About The Environment

Environmentally aware children at Ramsgate Arts Primary have asked their MP to help improve the planet.
In a written plea to Craig Mackinlay, pupils have urged him to act on climate change and pollution.
The letters formed part of the school’s eco-awareness summit that ran in tandem with the COP26 environmental planning meeting of world leaders in Scotland earlier this month.
The MP replied on House of Commons headed notepaper. He told the children: “Like you, I do all I can to look after our environment. We all want cleaner air, cleaner streets and cleaner seas and rivers – and we can play our part in protecting our environment by walking more often and cutting down on waste.”
He also refers to the problems of litter that ‘blights our towns and roadsides and spoils our enjoyment of both the seaside and countryside’.
Mr Mackinlay praises the young writers for taking time to alert him of their keenness to protect the planet, and he adds: “We live in a beautiful part of the world here in Ramsgate and we must do all we can to keep our local area tidy.”
Head of School nick Budge said the children were delighted to get an official reply from the MP.
He said: “Our girls and boys know the importance of looking after their environment and playing a part in the wider community effort.
“They have learnt that by taking a pro-active stance and contacting their MP their actions are being noticed and listened to in Government. We also teach our children about the importance of democracy and this shows them democracy in action.”
The school also wrote to world leaders with an impassioned plea outline their concerns and inform them of their ongoing projects to help make a difference to climate change and safeguard the future.
As part of a range of activities, Ramsgate Arts Primary also appointed a team of Eco Guardians to help spearhead awareness about sustainability, recycling, litter clearing, protecting wildlife and much more.
Mr Budge added: “At RAPS we will continue to flag up our message that caring for the environment never stops.”
Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.
*For more information, contact Mr Budge on 01843 582847