Notices and Reminders
A few messages about next week in Team Hayzelden.
As next week is the last week of term, I just wanted to give you some reminders of what is coming up.
- As next Friday is the last day of term, we will not be sending spellings home with the children today. If you would like to practice spellings over the next week or holidays, there are some fantastic spelling games on Topmarks, or you can practice some of the statutory spellings given out at the end of last term.
- Monday is our Christmas production and our Christmas party. Our show will start at 9am. Please can children come to school in a Christmas jumper/top. They can wear their own clothes all day as it is our party in the afternoon. However, please can children be dressed in clothes that they will be able to do PE in. For the party, please can children bring in sweet foods that do not contain nuts or eggs in their natural form (cakes are okay, but not scotch eggs, quiche, etc.)
- On Friday, school will finish at 2pm for all children.
If you have any questions, please just let me know.