Our wellbeing in nature

Have a look at our bird feeders from PSHE !
During PSHE, this week we have been focusing on our mental wellbeing, how it is affected by our physical wellbeing and how we can take care of our brains.
We know that being in nature helps us to calm our minds and to relax. By taking care of our minds we will also help our bodies, as poor mental health has been shown to relate to a higher risk of certain diseases and illnesses.
As well as working out, eating well, drinking water and getting a rest, we can help ourselves be healthy and happy by socialising with friends and family and being out in nature.
As part of being in nature, we made mini-bird feeders using lard, seed mix, wool and paper cupcake cases. We then hung these up around the playground to encourage wildlife to survive during the harsher climate of winter.
Then we created a poster of different ways they could be outside and around nature during the differing seasons, including picking blackberries in autumn, flying kites in spring and cloud spotting in summer.