RAPS Governors: LAB
RAPS Governors: Each school in the Viking Academy Trust has a 'Local Advisory Body' (LAB). The LAB has been delegated responsibility by the Board of Trustees to hold the school to account.
The LAB is made up of a committee of volunteers and staff that meet together termly (minimum 6x academic year) to monitor the leadership and management of the school.
Each LAB follows a set agenda that focuses upon monitoring actions on the current School Improvement Plan (SIP), as well as the school Budget and personnel issues.
The Chair of the LAB is also a Trustee. Ramsgate Arts Chair of Governors is Mrs Joanna Brand - please contact her via Ramsgate Arts Primary School Office in the first instance or via email: joannabrand@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
For further information on the role of Ramsgate Arts LAB please visit the Viking Academy Trust website.
Ramsgate Arts Local Governors are keen to be active members of our school community. They are visible within the school and play an active part in celebrating in the success of the children. For example:
- Leading Pupil Conferencing sessions
- Meeting with parents and families during 'Meet The Governor /Parent Forums'
- Being part of everyday school life eg Learning Walks, 'Come Dine With Me', Celebration Assemblies
- Helping with school activities and events
If you would like to find out more about the Local Advisory Body (LAB), please contact Mr Budge, Head of School (enquiries@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk) or Clerk to the Trust (clerk@vikingacademytrust.com).